
Humanity 3.0

Jun. 09, 2024.
6 mins. read. 6 Interactions

Unlock the future of humanity: transforming natural selection through AI, augmented intelligence, and societal shifts. Are we redefining what it means to be human in an era of unprecedented advancements?

About the writer

Sharon Gal-Or

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Sharon Gal-Or - is a writer, architect of change, Pioneer of Transformation, digital nomad, kosmo punk, game inventor, expert on communities, on innovation and management, leadership & sustainability, SingularityNET ambassador, pioneer @ SNET AGI Collaborations for Ethical Frameworks, and USTP ambassador in Israel. To connect, click here.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

The Next Evolution: Humanity 3.0

Cosmic tendency toward growth: Our species has always been defined by a relentless drive for improvement, and now, we stand on the precipice of what could be considered Humanity 3.0. This next chapter in our evolution promises to transform every aspect of our existence—from the biological to the societal, technological to the spiritual. We are not merely progressing; we are stepping into a new epoch where we hold the reins of our evolution.

In this analysis, I take you on a journey into the potential upgrades that could redefine what it means to be human. From leaps in longevity and augmented intelligence to profound societal shifts in governance and culture, we envision an abundant future that draws on the threads of our past and the limitless potential of our present. These are not just incremental changes but the harbingers of a new era for our species.

Humanity’s Evolutionary Upgrade: From Ancient to Modern to NextGen

Table 1: Humanity’s Evolutionary Upgrade: From Ancient to Modern to NextGen

Credit: Sharon Gal-Or

Table 2: The Societal Evolution of Humanity: From scarcity to abundance

Credit: Sharon Gal-Or

The Journey Through Time

Humanity has undergone remarkable transformations, not just biologically, but also in the ways we organize and understand our societies. Our evolution from Ancient to Modern to NextGen Humanity is marked by significant milestones that reflect our adaptability and ingenuity.

Ancient Humanity 1.0 The dawn of civilization (around 10,000 BCE).

Characterized by the emergence of agriculture, the development of early tools, and the formation of basic social structures, this era laid the groundwork for the complex societies that would follow.

Modern Humanity 2.0 The present day, extending slightly into the future (up to around 2100 CE).

Our current era has seen exponential growth in technology, communication, and global connectivity. We’ve built intricate economies, advanced healthcare systems, and diverse cultural landscapes. Yet, we stand on the brink of even more profound changes.

NextGen Humanity 3.0 From the late 21st century (post-2100 CE) onwards, focusing on speculative advancements and societal transformations.

Envisions a future where technology and humanity are seamlessly integrated. We speculate on advancements such as enhanced longevity, augmented intelligence, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), and global unified communities. This era promises a redefinition of what it means to be human as we extend our reach beyond Earth and redefine our place in the cosmos.

Disruptive Innovations on the Horizon

Here are a few examples that you will enjoy farther exploring during dinner, a walk in the park and even in the shower:

AI-Driven Gene Therapy

Imagine a world where AI-driven gene therapy becomes the norm. Suddenly, everyone who was once overweight is now thin and fit. What would happen to the multi-billion-dollar weight loss industry? How would societal beauty standards shift? Would there be a new stigma associated with not undergoing gene therapy? And, most provocatively, what would happen to our perceptions of individuality and self-worth when physical traits can be so easily altered?

The world’s first reversible Follistatin Gene Therapy is now available, offered by Minicircle. This breakthrough could revolutionize our approach to health and fitness, making obesity and related diseases a thing of the past. According to a study published in Nature Medicine, such advancements could increase the average human lifespan by up to 20 years.

Credit: Sharon Gal-Or via DALL·E

AI in Shipwreck Exploration

Imagine AI-driven submarines that can autonomously explore the ocean floor, locating and excavating shipwrecks with unparalleled precision. Entirely new chapters of history are uncovered as lost treasures and artifacts are brought to light. But what happens when these discoveries challenge our understanding of historical events? Could this lead to geopolitical tensions over the ownership of these treasures? And what about the ethical implications of disturbing ancient maritime graves? Would these AI explorers respect cultural sensitivities, or would the drive for discovery override them?

Dr. Sylvia Earle, a renowned oceanographer, emphasizes, “The deep sea is Earth’s last frontier. AI technology could unlock its secrets, but we must tread carefully, respecting the sanctity of underwater heritage.”

Credit: Sharon Gal-Or via DALL·E

AI and Universal Emotional Translation

Remember the movie “What Women Want,” where Mel Gibson’s character suddenly gains the ability to hear women’s thoughts after a bump on the head? Imagine an AI capable of universally translating emotions. You could instantly understand the feelings of anyone, anywhere, regardless of language or cultural barriers. How would this affect global diplomacy, personal relationships, and conflict resolution? Would it bring about unprecedented empathy and cooperation, or would it lead to manipulation and exploitation of emotional vulnerabilities? Could this technology make emotions a commodity, traded and regulated?

According to Dr. Paul Ekman, a pioneer in the study of emotions, “Universal emotional translation could bridge divides, but it also risks reducing the complexity of human feelings to simple algorithms.”

Credit: Sharon Gal-Or via DALL·E

My Mindplex Challenge: What Would You Like to Hear About?

We could go on and on, envisioning how the future might look. It’s fun, isn’t it? Consider AI’s impact on work and unemployment, AI in love, relationships, and dating, AI and the future of family, AI in news making, AI in law and justice, AI in environmental conservation, AI in personal identity and memory. The possibilities are endless. I remember that a few years ago, was it my Yahoo or Google mail that allowed me to automate the titles of my emails, one of them was: “I am out of my mind, feel free to leave a message,” so…

A Call to Action

In the timeless words of Charlie Chaplin, “When we zoom in, life seems a trauma, and when we zoom out, it seems a comedy.” This perspective underpins my approach to understanding the world—a systemic, holistic and integrative view that allows continuous adjustment of focus, connecting the dots anew and revealing a comprehensive picture, much like piecing together a child’s connect-the-dots drawing.

As we embark on the transition to Humanity 3.0, it is crucial that we maintain a long-term vision. This era challenges us to develop, regulate, and harness the safest and most advanced AI and AGI technologies while proactively excluding those that threaten our collective well-being. By promoting inclusivity, sustainability, and community, we aim to ensure that technology augments our lives, enriching rather than disrupting.

Mapping, exploring, and safeguarding—the journey toward the future of humanity is not without its uncertainties. As new variables emerge with bewildering rapidity, the landscape continues to shift. The existing regulatory frameworks, cumbersome and outdated—reminiscent of lumbering dinosaurs—are becoming obsolete. It is imperative that we leverage AI to refine our governance and economic systems. What remains unmeasured often remains unmanaged. Thus, we must rethink our regulatory ‘Matryoshka’, ensuring transparency and accessibility at all levels. Ultimately, it is not merely about uncovering the ailments of our world but ensuring that we discover the cures, the remedies, and the treasures that bring about abundance and joy in our lives.

Echoing the insight of Stephen Hawking, “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” Let us then embrace this evolution with open arms and step boldly into Humanity 3.0, ready to shape and be shaped by this new world.

Credit: Sharon Gal-Or via DALL·E


  • Dr. Sylvia Earle – Renowned oceanographer, quoted on the ethical implications of underwater exploration. Learn more
  • Dr. Paul Ekman – Pioneer in the study of emotions, discussing the implications of AI in emotional translation. Explore his work
  • Nature Medicine – Study on the impact of gene therapy on human longevity. Read the study
  • Stephen Hawking – Quote on intelligence and adaptability. Read more about his insights

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3 thoughts on “Humanity 3.0

  1. Thank you Sharon for the well thought piece. I am a sucker for the future. However, I am torn between the real science and progress of AI and the marketing hype or as call it investor manipulation. Anyways, I would like to contribute my vision of AI for your Mindplex Chalenge.

    The AIs I would really love to see are the ones that control a Smart Factory. For me, a fully functional Smart Factory will have the following AI tools:

    Autonomous Product Selection and Design: The AIs will collect necessary data from global economic models, predictions, and demand datasets. They will then decide what product is needed and proceed with the product design.

    Self-Organizing Workload Management: The AIs will be capable of distributing manufacturing tasks to other similar Smart Factories on a global scale.

    Predictive Maintenance: The AIs can analyze real-time data in the Smart Factory and schedule maintenance by predicting equipment breakdowns and accidents, allowing for preventative maintenance and reducing downtime.

    Quality Assurance: The AIs will detect defects and anomalies in real-time, improving quality control and reducing waste. They will also work on optimal and environmentally friendly designs to maximize resource utilization and reduce pollution or environmental damage.

    Autonomous Warehouse and Supply Chain Management: The AIs will optimize inventory levels, streamline logistics, supervise order fulfillment, and enhance demand forecasting across all Smart Factories, leading to improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness globally.

    Demand and Growth Prediction: The AIs will analyze historical data, new tech research, and market trends to predict fluctuations in demand or technological interventions along with new innovations, enabling all Smart Factories to update production processes and new innovative products.

    Autonomous Streamlined Paperwork: The AIs will also automate paperwork processes and reporting for accurate and globally accessible recordings.

    This is the dream I have for AIs so they can assure the age of Abundance globbaly including the Underdeveloped nations.

    1 Like
    1. and also more local producion and in outer space







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