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Mindplex Pubcast: Episode 3 | Conquering Death
Ben goertzel, grace robot and lisa rein rejoin their special guests from rejuve.ai and rejuve.Bio to discuss how the two projects work together to conquer the disease of aging.
Ben Goertzel On How AGI Toddlers Will Share Decentralized Knowledge Graphs | Highlights from Episode 10
Ben Goertzel explains how AGI Toddlers will share decentralized knowledge graphs, stored on a secure blockchain, which combines experiential knowledge with AI-specific knowledge derived from analyzing large amounts of data.
Cory Doctorow & Ben Goertzel Discuss “Big Data Advantage” | Highlights from Episode 4
Cory Doctorow and Ben Goertzel discuss the “big data advantage” argument & how Amazon, Facebook and other large networks often use customer data in a way that constitutes anti-competitive practices.