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The World of Sensors
We can fuse sensors’ data together to form more complex understandings of behavior. Combining data with multiple low-cost sensors will change the way we measure and understand ourselves. Let's look at how.

FDA approves clinical trial to test nanoscale sensors for recording brain activity
Brain sensor array features new ultra-thin, record-breaking 1,024 embedded electrocorticography (ECoG) sensors

The Sensor Fusion Guide by Ryan Sternlicht
In this review, Ryan explains in detail the kind of data that different types of biosensors collect.

Technoshaman: from worldbuilding to mindbuilding: Part 1
Immersive-experience designer/engineer Ed Lantz introduces the archetype of the technoshaman – one who uses the power of XR (extended reality, combining augmented, mixed, and virtual reality) technologies to craft multisensory digital worlds and experiences that elevate and harmonize human consciousness on a mass scale.

The skin's electrical properties can reveal what we're feeling
Researchers have found that differences in human emotions are evident in skin conductance response waveforms.

An Open Source Revival: New DIY Biosensors | Highlights from S2EP9
Experience the comeback of open source in VR hardware and explore many of the recent affordable DIY options and advancements for eye tracking technology and biosensors.

Robot vision via radio waves
PanoRadar sends out radio waves, which then bounce back to give robots information about the surroundings.