In a world where ideas spread like viruses, our beliefs can turn toxic, driving humanity into continual conflicts. Is this inherent or rather viral: cancerous memes embedded in our cultures?
Is humanity a virus? This provocative thought urges us to unmask the ideas and memes driving our behaviors. It’s not humanity itself that’s inherently destructive but the viral and violent memes infiltrating our cultures. These dinosaur cancerogenic memes shape our actions, cause suffering, and propel us into conflicts and wars. But why do these cancerogenic memes persist? How can we kill cancerogenic cells without killing the whole organism? Can an individual reprogram themselves out of a viral cancerogenic meme and heal?
Research by Richard Dawkins, who coined the term meme, highlights how memes spread cultural ideas and practices. In his book “The Selfish Gene,” Dawkins explains that memes evolve through variation, competition, and inheritance, much like genes. This viral effect makes memes deeply ingrained in individuals, making it challenging to reprogram out of them once someone is “infected.”
Memes are essential for transmitting cultural knowledge, from basic survival skills to developing AI and consciousness. Humans are natural carriers of memes, as we are programmed to do whatever it takes for us to fit into our tribe, community, society, in other words, to survive. That is the reason why it is so easy for cancerogenic memes to fuel conflicts and perpetuate violence across generations. Extreme ideologies that promote separation, fear, and misinformation are prime examples. These cancerogenic memes thrive on fear and spread misinformation, creating a cycle of division and hostility. Understanding these features can help us develop strategies to counteract their influence.
Throughout history, harmful memes have led to significant conflicts. During the Crusades, the belief that killing “infidels” was a holy duty led to centuries of conflict, bloodshed, and cultural devastation. These wars were fueled by powerful memes of religious righteousness and divine mandate, showing how deeply ingrained and destructive such ideas can be. During World War II, propaganda was used extensively to dehumanize enemies and rally nationalistic fervor, leading to widespread violence and atrocities. The Nazi regime’s use of propaganda to spread anti-Semitic ideas is a stark example of how powerful and destructive memes can be. The infamous Nazi film “Triumph of the Will” by Leni Riefenstahl glorified Hitler and the Nazi party, influencing millions to support their cause. To make people feel better about their actions, the Nazis dehumanized the enemy, portraying Jews as subhuman or even likening them to animals, such as dogs, viruses, and parasites. In the Rwandan Genocide of 1994, radio broadcasts were used to spread hate speech and incite violence against the Tutsi minority. The phrase “cut down the tall trees” became a call to action for the Hutu majority to massacre their Tutsi neighbors. This modern example of meme violence led to the deaths of approximately 800,000 people in just 100 days, demonstrating the lethal power of viral ideas.
In contemporary times, we see similar patterns. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is fueled by nationalistic memes and propaganda that depict the other side as existential threats. In the Middle East, the tension between Israel and Iran is perpetuated by historical grievances and ideological memes, while Iranian leaders use propaganda to infect their people with extreme ideology against democratic states, particularly the US and Israel, perpetuating hatred and conflict. In the United States, election cycles often see the spread of divisive memes, pitting citizens against each other based on political affiliations.
With AI’s role in modern warfare, finding a cure to heal individuals and societies infected with cancerogenic memes is significant and crucial to humanity’s survival. The development of autonomous military drone swarms, robot soldiers and other autonomous weapons systems is a clear indication of this trend as the arms race escalates. These technologies are being manufactured and deployed to prepare for future conflicts, raising ethical and moral concerns about the nature of warfare and the potential for unintended consequences. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the increasing autonomy in weapon systems is a growing concern as it could lead to new forms of warfare where human oversight is minimal (ICRC, 2019).
Can AI guide us toward viewing humanity as a single interconnected organism?
AI has the potential to help us see beyond our divisions and recognize our shared humanity. By using technology to not just react but to heal our societal divides, we can move towards a more unified and compassionate world.
How? Where?? When???
Consider this: these memes have endured through time, passing from generation to generation, because they have attached themselves to the vital core elements of larger memes that are fundamental to our very essence as humans. They have intertwined with the moral code memes and motivational memes at the heart of every religion and culture, making them exceedingly difficult to eliminate, much like a cancerous cell infecting the blood system and much like a gall nut on the branches of a tree.
Examples of these cancerous memes include:
- In the Name of God: Many atrocities have been committed under the guise of religious righteousness. The Crusades and the Inquisition are historical examples where violence was justified as divine duty. This meme persists in various forms, fueling religious extremism and terrorism in modern times.
- Racial Superiority: The belief in the inherent superiority of one race over others has led to systemic racism, slavery, and genocides. The Nazi ideology of Aryan supremacy is a stark example that still echoes in contemporary white supremacist movements.
- Us vs. Them Mentality: This meme promotes division and conflict by creating a strong in-group versus out-group dynamic. It is evident in xenophobic and nationalist movements that demonize immigrants and minority groups.
- Cultural Purity: The idea that cultural or ethnic purity must be preserved often leads to ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide. The Rwandan Genocide and the Bosnian War are tragic examples where this meme fueled mass violence.
- Gender Inequality: Deeply ingrained patriarchal beliefs that men are superior to women have perpetuated gender discrimination and violence. This meme is evident in practices like female genital mutilation, honor killings, and widespread gender pay gaps.
- Economic Greed: Last but not least, the capitalistic moloch with its relentless pursuit of profit at the expense of ethical considerations has driven environmental destruction, exploitation, and significant economic disparities. This meme is pervasive in corporate practices that prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability.
These cancerous memes are deeply embedded in our societal structures, making them resilient and challenging to eradicate. However, by identifying and understanding them, we can develop strategies to counteract their influence and promote more inclusive, compassionate, and equitable narratives.
So you might not have the passion, compassion or motivation to change the world, but we all have a responsibility toward something. Right?
But… We don’t trust and we are territorial about… EVERYTHING! Land, Money, God – in short EVERYTHING! Driven by what’s known as the 3G’s : God – Gold And Glory. So what can be done?
Using the framework of Spiral Dynamics assisted by AI, we can understand how societies evolve through different value systems and how memes influence these transitions. By raising awareness and guiding influencers, content creators, and various leaders, we can help move audiences up the Spiral Dynamics scale, from survival-driven memes to more integrative and compassionate ones.

Explanation of Steps
- Identify Harmful Memes: Recognize the harmful memes that negatively influence society.
- Analyze Data: Use data analysis to understand the spread and impact of these memes.
- Promote Awareness: Raise awareness about the harmful effects of these memes.
- Facilitate Dialogues: Encourage constructive dialogues to bridge societal divides.
- Educate and Engage Communities: Implement educational programs to counteract harmful memes.
- Promote Positive Memes: Spread positive memes that foster unity and compassion.
- Monitor and Evaluate Impact: Continuously assess the impact of interventions.
- Create AI Solutions: Develop innovative AI tools to support and enhance these efforts.
Solutions to Raise Above Each Stage in Spiral Dynamics
Beige: Survival-based Thinking
Solution: Provide basic needs, safety, and security to enable individuals to focus beyond mere survival. Implement programs for stable food, shelter, and healthcare access.
Purple: Tribalistic and Magical Thinking
Solution: Foster a sense of community and belonging while introducing critical thinking and education to break superstitions. Encourage cultural exchanges and respect for diversity.
Red: Egocentric and Power-based Thinking
Solution: Establish clear and fair rules, promoting the value of mutual respect and cooperation. Provide mentorship and conflict resolution training.
Blue: Order and Rule-based Thinking
Solution: Encourage flexibility and adaptability. Introduce the concept of multiple perspectives and the importance of innovation. Reward creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.
Orange: Achievement-oriented and Strategic Thinking
Solution: Emphasize the importance of social responsibility and ethical considerations. Promote collaborative projects and community service. Highlight the benefits of sustainable practices.
Green: Community-focused and Relativistic Thinking
Solution: Integrate systemic thinking and individual responsibility. Encourage strategic planning and the value of personal achievement within the community context. Balance empathy with practical solutions.
Yellow: Systemic and Integrative Thinking
Solution: Expand global awareness and holistic approaches. Foster cross-disciplinary collaborations and lifelong learning. Encourage the integration of diverse systems for global betterment.
Turquoise: Holistic and Global Thinking
Solution: Promote global unity and stewardship of the planet. Facilitate the development of universal ethical standards and deep ecological awareness. Encourage spiritual growth and consciousness expansion.
To help individuals rise above each stage of the Spiral Dynamics, specific solutions are needed. For those at the Beige stage, which is survival-based thinking, providing basic needs such as safety, security, stable food, shelter, and healthcare is essential. This fosters a growing sense of responsibility toward oneself. At the Purple stage, characterized by tribalistic and magical thinking, fostering a sense of community and belonging while introducing critical thinking and education helps break superstitions. Encouraging cultural exchanges and respect for diversity promotes responsibility toward one’s family. For individuals at the Red stage, which is egocentric and power-based thinking, establishing clear and fair rules, promoting mutual respect and cooperation, and providing mentorship and conflict resolution training can develop a sense of responsibility toward one’s community.

At the Blue stage, which is order and rule-based thinking, encouraging flexibility, adaptability, and multiple perspectives, and rewarding creativity fosters responsibility toward society. For those at the Orange stage, which is achievement-oriented and strategic thinking, emphasizing social responsibility, ethical considerations, collaborative projects, and sustainable practices nurtures a sense of responsibility toward humanity. In the Green stage, characterized by community-focused and relativistic thinking, integrating systemic thinking, individual responsibility, strategic planning, and balancing empathy with practical solutions fosters responsibility toward all life as custodians of the earth.
At the Yellow stage, which is systemic and integrative thinking, expanding global awareness, fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations, lifelong learning, and integrating diverse systems for global betterment promotes responsibility toward the earth and way beyond. Finally, for individuals at the Turquoise stage, which is holistic and global thinking, promoting global unity, stewardship of the planet, universal ethical standards, deep ecological awareness, spiritual growth, and consciousness expansion develops responsibility toward the cosmos and all existence. Throughout all these stages, the goal is to cultivate a growing sense of responsibility toward oneself, one’s family, community, humanity, all of life as custodians of the earth, and way beyond.
Now, to feel responsible toward whatever reason, we need first to trust the system, or… build a new, more advanced and holistic system – and that is how AI could assist us in the process, not only growing our shared responsibility toward each other, but also to co-create and build a new system, a new organism – a new upgraded humanity! You see what needs to happen?!
Responsibility + Trust + AI Solutions = More conscious Beings = Ethical AI Era
Now, you must be asking, why do we need AI? Can’t we get there on our own? Isn’t it more natural?
So the answer is NO, we can’t get there without AI, and AI is natural! And AI is an extension of who we are! And AI is the next step in human evolution! See it as integrating a more advanced consciousness GPS to get from one place to another, as humanity upgrades itself. In that case, AI serves as a tool to guide us in our consciousness growth, as individuals and as a species, rather than a tool that is used in the arms race toward chaos and destruction.
Do you feel the urgency now?
Imagine the variety of these cancerogenic memes, nurturing fear, separation and fueling the arms race? They also use AI as a tool! And they didn’t even stop to ask if it’s right or wrong, they just use it as they can!
That’s why we must also imagine leveraging various AI to combat these destructive cancerogenic memes.
AI can help in several ways:
- Analyzing Data: AI can analyze data from social media and news outlets to identify and track the spread of harmful memes.
- Promoting Awareness: AI can highlight misinformation and provide accurate information to counteract harmful memes.
- Facilitating Dialogues: AI can create platforms for constructive dialogues, helping to bridge societal divides.
The viral effect of memes poses a significant challenge. Once someone is “infected” by a harmful meme—whether through upbringing, education, or brainwashing—it becomes difficult to reprogram them. However, active campaigns and strategies can educate people out of prejudice and hate. For instance, the “No Hate Speech Movement” by the Council of Europe uses social media to combat hate speech by promoting narratives of inclusion and respect. Similarly, the “Love Has No Labels” campaign by the Ad Council encourages people to look beyond labels and see others for who they truly are. Imagine such campaigns supported by AI to grow their influence Globally. Not just in a few developed countries, but everywhere.
Social media can be a powerful tool to spread ideas of hope and love rather than fear and separation. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can amplify voices that promote unity and understanding. For example, the hashtag #ChooseLove has been used to spread messages of compassion and support for refugees and displaced people. Imagine using AI to support refugees with the rapid and successful social integration in their new homes, where their children will be born and succeed.

So how to change the 3G’s as main motivational memes?
Well, simple, by choosing to focus and promote other motivational memes that are more advanced, viral, and fit for our upgraded version. These could be:
Love, Learning, and Legacy – 3L’s
- Promoting Compassion and Kindness: Love emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and nurturing relationships in all aspects of life. It encourages individuals to act with compassion and kindness towards others, fostering a culture of mutual respect and care.
- Replacing Gold with Love: Shifting the focus from material wealth to emotional richness, Love values human connections and the emotional bonds that bring true fulfillment and happiness.
Life + Light + Love
- Encouraging Lifelong Education and Personal Growth: Learning stresses the importance of continuous education, curiosity, and intellectual development. It advocates for an open mind and a commitment to personal and communal growth through the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
- Replacing God with Learning: Instead of seeking answers from a higher power, Learning encourages individuals to explore, question, and understand the world through science, philosophy, and self-discovery.
Life + Long + Learning
- Fostering a Sense of Responsibility to Leave a Positive Impact: Legacy inspires individuals to think about the long-term effects of their actions and to strive to leave a positive, enduring mark on the world. It promotes sustainability, ethical behavior, and the desire to create a better future for the coming generations.
- Replacing Glory with Legacy: Moving away from the pursuit of personal glory and recognition, Legacy focuses on making meaningful contributions that benefit society and the environment, ensuring a lasting positive influence.
Leadership + Loyalty + Legacy
Integrating the 3L’s into Everyday Life
Personal Actions
- Love: Practice empathy and kindness in daily interactions. Volunteer, support charitable causes, and build strong, positive relationships with those around you.
- Learning: Engage in lifelong learning by reading, taking courses, and staying curious. Share knowledge and encourage others to pursue their educational interests.
- Legacy: Make conscious decisions that contribute to a sustainable future. Think about the impact of your actions on future generations and strive to leave the world better than you found it.
Community Engagement
- Love: Create community programs that foster inclusion, support, and cooperation. Encourage acts of kindness and collective efforts to help those in need.
- Learning: Establish community learning centers, workshops, and discussion groups that promote education and intellectual exchange. Support initiatives that make education accessible to everyone.
- Legacy: Work on community projects that aim at long-term benefits, such as environmental conservation, infrastructure development, and cultural preservation. Promote policies that ensure sustainable growth and social equity.
Global Perspective
- Love: Advocate for global peace, understanding, and cooperation. Support international efforts to address humanitarian crises and promote human rights.
- Learning: Participate in global dialogues on education, innovation, and cultural exchange. Embrace diversity and learn from different cultures and perspectives.
- Legacy: Engage in global initiatives aimed at combating climate change, preserving biodiversity, and ensuring sustainable development. Support international treaties and organizations dedicated to creating a better future for all.
AI Think Therefore AI Exist
One of the biggest challenges is reprogramming individuals who have been deeply influenced by cancerogenic, harmful memes. This requires sustained efforts in education, awareness campaigns, and community engagement, supported by AI. Education systems can incorporate teachings that emphasize critical thinking and empathy, helping young minds to resist harmful memes. Community leaders and influencers can play a significant role by modeling and promoting positive behaviors and the upgraded motivational memes fit for the 21st century and the rise of the AI Era.
Influencers who wish to adjust their content to raise their audiences can seek my assistance to align their messages with higher-level memes that promote unity, empathy, and sustainability.
As above,so below: The viral nature of memes highlights the importance of conscious intervention. AI serves as a very powerful tool, never seen in the history of mankind, and it can do harm and it can do good, it can be the cure to heal humanity or it can be the poison. By leveraging AI to combat harmful memes and promote positive ones, we can steer humanity towards a more united and compassionate future. Each of us plays a role in this transformation, using technology to bridge divides and heal societal wounds.
As I always say, “a new language, a new mindset” therefore there is a need to coin a new term to describe Genetic Algorithms also known as Synthetic Memes. Ozeozes, originated from one~zero~one~zero, a term coined to describe synthetic memes generated by sentient AGI that amalgamate diverse memes into cohesive narratives, thereby sculpting the worldviews of individuals and entire societies. These are synthetic memes created by AGI systems, inspired by the process of natural selection. By understanding how genetic algorithms work, we can gain insights into the broader implications of AI and its potential to adapt and evolve in response to new challenges.
This transformative capability of synthetic memes is underpinned by AI’s ability to analyze vast datasets, identify patterns, and generate content that resonates deeply with targeted audiences. By bypassing the slow, organic evolution of traditional cultural elements, synthetic memes can rapidly propagate new, progressive ideas, potentially leading to a significant cultural shift. As a result, the integration of synthetic memes could play a crucial role in addressing long-standing societal issues and fostering a more inclusive and enlightened global culture.
- How can AI guide us in viewing humanity as an interconnected organism?
- What are the potential ethical considerations in using AI to combat harmful memes?
- How can we ensure that AI promotes accurate information and constructive dialogues?
Love + Learning + Legacy = Ethical AI Era
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