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MCP Episode 6 | Trust in AI and Data Poisoning: Dream Wonders ft. David Bray

Oct. 25, 2023. 1 hr. and 14 mins. and 44 sec. listen. 8 Interactions

Dr. Mihaela Ulieru talks with Dr. David Bray, an expert in tech and data ventures, about Trust in AI, Data Poisoning, AI's role in Global Pandemics and more.

About the Publisher

Mihaela Ulieru

23.63022 MPXR

With a PhD in robotics from Germany, Mihaela delved into designing distributed intelligent systems during her postdoctoral work at Berkeley. Her academic career culminated in the Canada Research Chair Award and a tenured professorship. With over 200 publications and 300 keynotes, she advises governments and organizations on emerging technologies.

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One thought on “MCP Episode 6 | Trust in AI and Data Poisoning: Dream Wonders ft. David Bray

  1. This is a real gem, from beginning to end, it's informative. Keep it up, we definitely need more conversations like this.

    We need trust in AI because it's becoming a bigger part of our lives, from healthcare to finance, and our future! Another perfect point, in my opinion, is the issue of ongoing data poisoning. Guys, you're right on the money. Sadly, data pollution didn't get enough attention. I can only hope it won't mess up the future ASIs or, as you like to call them here, AGIs.

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