
Quantum Octopus: The Future of Ethical Governance?

Sep. 20, 2024. 1 min. read. 9 Interactions

Envision a future where octopuses and quantum AI co-govern society. With advanced cephalopod intelligence and quantum computing, could this sci-fi dream reshape global governance for the better?

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

Imagine a future where advanced AI and intelligent octopuses collaborate to govern society. This might sound like science fiction, but with advancements in technology and our understanding of intelligence, such a scenario could be closer than we think.

Concept Overview: The idea combines three futuristic elements:

  1. Octopus Intelligence: Drawing inspiration from the idea of exploring octopus intelligence, as seen in recent science fiction works like “In Ascension,” this element suggests that cephalopods could evolve to possess intelligence comparable to humans, enabling them to participate actively in societal governance.
  2. Quantum Computing: Utilizing quantum-powered AI for advanced decision-making reflects ongoing themes in science fiction about using quantum technology to solve complex problems. This aligns with speculative visions where quantum computing offers unparalleled processing capabilities for governance.
  3. Alternate Reality Interfaces: Inspired by the concept of alternate realities explored in works like “World Walkers” by Neal Asher, the use of quantum-bubble interfaces allows for visualizing and exploring possible futures based on different policy decisions, providing a means to foresee the impacts of governance choices​.

Together, these elements form the “Quantum Octopus” — a conscious network designed to oversee global governance, ensuring ethical and sustainable management of resources.

Why This Matters: The Quantum Octopus concept suggests a harmonious integration of natural intelligence and advanced technology to create balanced, transparent decentralized governance.

Reader's Poll: Quantum Octopus – What’s Your Take?

How do you feel about the idea of using advanced AI and evolved intelligence from nature (like octopi) to govern society and ensure ethical management of resources?

Credit: Sharon Gal-Or via Dall-E


  • “In Ascension” by Martin MacInnes​
  • “World Walkers” by Neal Asher
  • Exploration of quantum computing themes in various science fiction narratives​

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About the writer

Sharon Gal-Or

23.94676 MPXR

Sharon Gal-Or is a writer, architect of change, Pioneer of Transformation, digital nomad, kosmo punk, game inventor, expert on communities, on innovation and management, leadership & sustainability, SingularityNET ambassador, pioneer @ SNET AGI Collaborations for Ethical Frameworks, and USTP ambassador in Israel. To connect, click here.

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3 thoughts on “Quantum Octopus: The Future of Ethical Governance?

  1. This reminded me of my comment on your other article (Climbing The Densities Ladder)

    Back then my comment was that I have a fancy imagination about a quantom computer application called tQET (prounced as "t-ket") aka The Quantum Entanglement Transceiver. My comment from article is in italics and I reposted it here because I think it can add some highlight to this wonderful idea proposed by Sharon.

    ----Foundational Science: At the cutting edge of quantum physics and neuroscience, researchers have been exploring the potential of quantum entanglement - the phenomenon where particles become inextricably linked, allowing an instantaneous transfer of information across vast distances.

    My Sci-fi hypothesis: By harnessing this mind-bending principle, a revolutionary machine has been theorized: the Quantum Entanglement Transceiver (tQET). This device would be capable of establishing an entangled state between the quantum particles that make up the neural networks of different life forms, effectively creating a bridge between their consciousnesses.

    My bold prediction of a world post AGI and tQET: The tQET would work by first mapping and decoding the complex quantum states that encode the thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences of any given life form. It would then generate an entangled quantum field that mirrors these states, allowing the information to be transmitted instantaneously to another tQET-linked life form. In essence, the two beings would share a unified consciousness, experiencing each other's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of reality as if they were their own. This technology could potentially enable humans to communicate telepathically with animals, understand their needs and perspectives, and even temporarily merge their awareness – a profound step towards bridging the cognitive divide between species.

    Back to this article now. The octopus here is not just an entangled one; it is an active one that can govern in collaboration with AI. Technically, this can be true with an application like tQET.

    The Japanese in me also thinks this could be the premise of an exciting Kaiju movie. The world where the central government is controlled by a Super AI and Octopus Mind. Everything is peaceful and advanced. Then the Super AI decides to go rogue and starts attacking the Octopus. The Octopus begins to retaliate, cities are destroyed, but the Super AI manages to dominate. Then the Octopus awakens another old Kaiju from the deep corners of the oceans, and the battle for Earth begins. Sharon, if your idea is not a good application, it is definitely a cool premise for a Kaiju movie. Emm, maybe I am the only one who voted as exciting in the poll💪.

  2. It is a sci-fi story, so I’ll treat it like that. It’s a bizarre concept, but it pokes at some remote corners of our imagination. However, I won’t see it as a soon-to-be-real scenario or even a big deal. I love how awesome the power of imagination is, so thanks for that, Sharon!

  3. minas

    26 days ago
    4.73313 MPXR
    1 interactions

    The poll is incomplete! The last option should say "I love the jock and it's funny".

    I want to have what the writer is having, it's an exciting trip. This is a direct "... such a scenario could be closer than we think." 🤣🤣

    1 Dislike

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