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Interaction Quantification and Calculation
All user-interactions with the Mindplex platform have different ranges and base values. The system calculates your reputation score with a fairly complex algorithm, and one of the key factors in the calculation is the base value of the type of interaction.
Comment has the highest value while Follow has the lowest.
A user who comments on content gets the highest reward (among the interaction-types), while the Content Creator who gets a positive comment also gets the highest reward. The same is true for punishment; a content creator who comments badly (spamming, bullying, disinformation, racism, sexism and all the other evil -isms) will get the highest punishment while a content creator who gets the Best Negative comments also gets the highest level of punishment of the interaction-types.
Commenting is given more weight than other interactions because it is the interaction type which truly shows the user’s feelings, and the intensity of those feelings; yes, the user is literally telling us what they think about the content! Second, the user is spending more time and effort commenting than clicking ‘like’; first the user spends time reading/listening/watching the content, and then the user is concerned enough to write the comment.
Comments are also content. They enrich the platform for later readers. If you provide a thoughtful comment, you attract other users who interact with the comment: comment on the comment, like/dislike the comment, share the comment, react to the comment, and as well consume the comment. Hence, a user will get rewarded first for commenting, and then keep collecting rewards/punishments as other users’ interact with that comment.
In Mindplex, comments are organized into three primary categories: Good Comments, Expedient Comments, and Bad Comments. Good Comments and Expedient Comments undergo publication, whereas Bad Comments are excluded from visibility. Good Comments are further subdivided into three Ranges: Best, Good, and Average. Each of these Ranges incorporate three Sentiments—Positive, Negative, and Neutral.
Positive Sentiment: Comments falling under the Positive Sentiment category are those that express favorable opinions, appreciation, enthusiasm, or support. These comments often convey a sense of approval, satisfaction, or happiness towards the topic being discussed. Negative Sentiment: Comments categorized as Negative Sentiment encompass expressions of dissatisfaction, criticism, disagreement, or disapproval. Such comments also highlight flaws, concerns, or negative aspects of the subject matter. Neutral Sentiment: Comments classified as Neutral Sentiment lack strong or clear emotional polarity in either a positive or negative direction. These comments provide factual information, observations, or opinions without leaning heavily towards any particular sentiment.
In the first phase of Mindplex, comments will be read and sorted by humans (editorial team and moderators) before approval. In the long run, the process will be fully automated.
Below is the range and explanation of quantifying comments:
Range | Value | Remark | ||
Positive | Negative | |||
Best |
1 |
-1 |
This is a constructive comment and it teaches! Its conclusions are supported by arguments, additional references are added, and it tries to fill missing information. It can be a positive or negative sentiment. |
Good |
0.7692 |
-0.7692 |
It is, at least, a strong argument. It has supportive arguments for the conclusion of the comment. It can be a positive or negative sentiment. |
Average |
0.4615 |
-0.4615 |
Any comment that is not deemed either as a teaching or backed by strong argument. It can be a positive or negative sentiment. |
The Table below explains the quantification of Neutral Comments
Range | Value | Remark |
Best | 0.5 | While the comment neither endorses nor contradicts the content creator’s position or the particular publication’s conclusion, it teaches reader about alternatives. Tt offers new facts, alternative methodologies, and conclusions. It includes supporting arguments for its new components and additionally introduces extra references. |
Good | 0.3846 | While the comment neither endorses nor contradicts the content creator’s position or the particular publication’s conclusion, it has, at least, a strong argument for the conclusion of the comment it self. |
Average | 0.23075 | Any neutral comment that is not deemed either as a teaching or backed by strong argument. Example: “The writer can be correct or not, but personally I preferer this and this over this”. |
Note: In the interaction calculation, the ‘Value’ impacts the reputation reward for the content creator, resulting in a positive or negative score. Thus, the variance in value between sentiments doesn’t influence your reward score as an interactor. Initial reputation values for interactors are outlined in the final table of this document. Additionally, this doesn’t imply that content creators receive the aforementioned values directly. Reputation scores are computed using weights, bias scores, prediction scores, and several other factors.
Expedient Comments are a nuanced category. The primary indicator of these comments is their simplicity, followed by their vagueness or lack of substantial contribution to the knowledge-building process. When you leave a one-word comment like ‘Nice,’ ‘Good,’ or ‘Bad’ on an article discussing a contentious topic or an ongoing legislative debate, it’s evident that you haven’t engaged with the content and are merely seeking MPXR tokens. Similarly, using generative AI tools to provide a summary of the content (‘This article is about X and Y, and the author argues about A and B’) is a self serving comment and is an obvious attempt to gain MPXR rewards.
If someone expresses confusion about the article (say another user commented “I do not understand what the writer is talking about”) and you respond with the aforementioned summary (“This article is about X and Y, and the author argues about A and B”), it is obvious that you are assisting others in comprehending the content hence the summary. However, if you merely recap the article without including your thoughts, critiques, or praises, it becomes a lackluster effort. When we moderate Expedient comments, we focus on the intent of the commenter, irrespective of sentiment or range. Such comments hold minimal value: they are published to respect your freedom of expression, but neither you nor the content creator is rewarded or penalized based on these inconsequential expedient comments. Expedient comments will always have Zero Value! The principle is straightforward—don’t comment for the sake of it; share your thoughts and be a meaningful contributor to the discourse.
Note: However, this doesn’t automatically imply that one-word comments are always expedient. For instance, users may leave concise comments or replies on the social feed section when a post can be adequately addressed with a single word. Likewise, merely using an excessive number of words doesn’t guarantee that the reputation system will be deceived. As previously mentioned, the identification of expedient comments hinges on intent: if your comment is driven solely by the aim of gathering MPXR tokens, the word count becomes irrelevant.
The above is for comments that are Good or Expedient. However, there are bad comments! In Mindplex bad comments will not be published, they will have no effect on the content creator’s reputation score. If a user posted a bad comment, only the user will be punished; the punishment is a direct reduction of MPXR. Below is the description and quantification of bad comments:
Hate Speech | -4.00000000 |
Bullying | -2.00000000 |
Vulgar | -1.50000000 |
Spamming | -1.00000000 |
The current definition of the four types of ‘bad comments’ is listed below. However, the definition and the associated penalty points will be subject to revision by the community, and a new set of guidelines will be updated following the community’s vote. These guidelines will continue to evolve as we are a constantly evolving species, adapting to new social dynamics and realities.
We believe that freedom of speech is the cornerstone of all freedoms because it enables the pursuit of knowledge and truth. While we encourage healthy debates, there are individuals who may exploit the concept of freedom of speech with malicious intentions. Therefore, on the Mindplex platform, “Bad Comment” is primarily identified based on intent.
Hate Speech: is defined as a deliberate expression that directly incites violence or promotes discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or other protected characteristics including:
Bullying: hinder us from fostering a positive and bearable environment for individuals to thrive. We now there is no such thing as safespace in the real world but we can always stop deliberate actions that seek to demean, intimidate, or exert power over others based on factors such as appearance, social status, beliefs, ideological difference, opinions, or personal characteristics. Therefore:
Respect your adversaries and direct your critique towards the points and propositions. The essence of a true Mindplexes lies in analyzing the argument rather than attacking the individual.
Vulgar: we acknowledge profanity/nudity, if used appropriately, does not contradict the fundamental principles of Mindplex, we do not believe that an excessive reliance on profanity/nudity adds any substantive value. Therefore, we do not approve:
While we acknowledge and admire nature’s crude beauty, we advise you to leverage it organically: Mindplexes sell their ideas based on the inherent merit of the concept, not through vulgarly achieved shock value.
Spamming: Mindplex will always consider the mischievous art of showering the digital realm with an abundance of unwanted surprises, as a modern-day manifestation of electronic annoyance! Therefore messages typically promotional in nature, aiming to advertise products, services, or fraudulent schemes are not allowed. If the intent behind the message is to reach as many individuals as possible, with the goal of generating undeserved revenue, spreading malware, or engaging in other malicious activities, we will spam you back! Spamming includes:
Okay, enough with the spamming, and please note that the above examples are purely for entertainment purposes. You must stay vigilant to identify any real-life scams or spams. We advise that any offers that seem too good to be true, whether in our name or in the name of any of our affiliates, are fraudulent activities.
Share has the second-highest value of the interaction-types. Sharing is where a user helps content break out from Mindplex onto other content sharing platforms.
Sharing also shows the user’s certainty and zeal: if a user is sharing content, then it shows how motivated the user is to spread the idea. Share is one of the two Interaction types without a negative value; it can’t lose you points, only gain you points as described here:
Range |
Value |
Remark |
Best |
0.4500 |
For sharing via more than one social media platform, or sharing to more than 3k followers |
Good |
0.3501 |
Shares on one platform and to less than 3k followers |
Reaction is the interaction-type with the third-highest value. On Mindplex beta, Reaction is limited to emoji-reactions: in later versions we will introduce different sorts of reactions like posting a super short video (10-20 second).
A user can React using emojis, and emojis communicate feelings. The system will attribute positive and negative values to each of the emojis. It is valued higher than the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down because emojis give more insight to the user’s feelings. Below are our selected Reaction emojis and their value:
Positive | Negative | ||||
Emoji | Meaning | Value | Emoji | Meaning | Value |
? |
Perfect |
0.25 |
? |
Garbage |
-0.25 |
? |
I love it |
0.2085 |
? |
Disgusting |
-0.2085 |
? |
I like it |
0.16675 |
❌ |
Wrong |
-0.16675 |
✨ |
Best |
0.125 |
? |
Bad |
-0.125 |
? |
Very good |
0.0825 |
? |
Boring |
-0.0825 |
? |
Good |
0.04175 |
? |
Unsatisfactory |
-0.04175 |
The Thumb Review is in fourth place. This where you share your general feeling about the content with the ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ button.
Content Consumption (quantified and qualified by time spent) has the 5th highest value among the interaction types. Content Consumption by itself is an Interaction – it can boost your reputation and the reputation of the content creator. Moreover, this interaction-type affects the weight of all other interactions (Comment, Share, React, and The Thumb Review). If you Comment on a content or React with emojis before reaching the Best range on Content Consumption (described below), the weight of that Comment or that React is affected and you and the content creator only receive a partial reputation score as reward/punishment. If you interact before consuming the content at least half way, the system will see that as a shallow engagement. Quality interaction comes after consuming content not before!
Content Consumption has three ranges:
Range |
Remark |
Value |
Best |
A user who finished the content or consumed ≥95%. |
1 |
Average |
A user who finished the content or consumed ≥50% and <95%. |
0.55 |
Mediocre |
A user who finished the content or consumed ≥25% and <50% |
0.089090909 |
Note: The Content Consumption interaction is quantified by time: our system measures how much time the user spent consuming the particular content. For an article and image, the time is estimated by the average reading/watching time allocated to the specific piece. For video and audio content, consumption time will count the exact duration of the audio/video content.
The reputation effect of Voting is dynamic, and depends on intensity, quality, and appropriateness measurements. The following parameters (among others) determine intensity, quality, and appropriateness for Voting:
Let’s say you vote thumbs-down on a certain content request in the Content Factory. Let’s also say that the majority of the voters then also vote down, so that the end result is a net negative vote. The MPXR reward for your vote will then be weighted according to the 1st parameter (at which point did you vote), and the last two parameters (popularity and likability of the subject).
Now, let’s say our reputation system labeled your vote “late” (after you saw the majority result of the other voters and at the closing of the vote). Let’s also say our reputation system labeled the nature of the subject as “popular but unlikable”. Now your MPXR reward will be reduced for these two reasons.
The intensity and appropriateness measurements matter as well. Let’s also say you voted using 10 MPXR out of your 150. This confirms that you already know the vote is heading to the down vote and you are saving your MPXRs to get involved in other voting procedures and you are involved in this one just to fish reputation rewards.
Note: The above is just an example; the reputation AI calculates all the measurements and parameters and it will not be simple as our example.
Rating (out of 5 stars) works similarly to the ‘Thumb Review’ interaction. As mentioned above, this interaction is not included in the initial version of Mindplex. However, other websites using our system can activate it.
When one person follows or unfollows another, there is no immediate effect on either person’s reputation score. However, follower-count affects reputation scores via ‘Reputation by Association’ which is explained in detail here.
Friend Request and Follow are different on Mindplex. The Friend Request interaction has a static value and you will be rewarded twice: first when you send the request (the system will reward you only with positive reputation scores, there is no negative reputation score/punishment), and a second time after the request is accepted. Here, the reward can be positive reputation score or negative reputation score/punishment. Then just like the Follow interaction, this interaction will generate reputation scores in your Reputation by Association which is explained in detail here.
Do not send friend requests indiscriminately – your friends are people with whom you will build friendship! You can always choose the other interaction, Follow, if you want to be kept up to date on someone’s posting. Note: Third-party users of our tools can configure all of the above interaction values via the Mindplex Reputation Plugin. The values stated above are configured for the Mindplex magazine. Website administrators can reconfigure these values as suits their websites and their users. As for Mindplex – when we activate our governance portal, our community will vote on these values. We think comments should have the highest value and we have set the reputation plugin in accordance with this belief, but you can vote and change this! Welcome to the revolution that cannot be centralized!
The straightforward table below outlines a simple interaction calculation along with the corresponding outcomes of rewards or penalties for both interactors and content creators. It’s important to note that while this illustration provides a clear view of the rewards and penalties, the actual calculation of interactions is not as linear. This table serves as a means to elucidate the rewards and penalties. We would like to acknowledge that the reputation AI involves numerous variables such as ‘Conformity Bias’, ‘Prediction Score’, ‘Polarity Bias’, ‘Expertise Score’, and other situational factors. These multifaceted elements factor into the computation of reputation points for individual interactions, resulting in an outcome that is far more intricate than the simplified depiction presented here. Last but not least, there are other activities on Mindplex which will get you a reputation reward: Daily Login, Publishing a Content etc. are explained here.
Furthermore, the individual’s reputation score (at the moment of interaction) is also used as weight which means content creators receive varying reputation points depending on the interactor’s reputation point.
Interaction Type | Weight | Interactor’s Reward | Content Creator’s Reward |
Comment | 0.65 | Anywhere between -4 and 0.0035 | value*interaction weight* interactor’s normalized Reputation point |
Thumb Review | 0.15 | Anywhere between 0 and 0.0015 | value*interaction weight* interactor’s normalized Reputation point |
Reaction with Emoji | 0.25 | Anywhere between 0 and 0.0025 | value*interaction weight* interactor’s normalized Reputation point |
Share | 0.75 | Anywhere between 0.0025 and 0.0075 | value*interaction weight* interactor’s normalized Reputation point |
Content Consumption per One Content | 0.11 | Anywhere between 0 and 0.0005 | value*interaction weight* interactor’s normalized Reputation point |
Friend Request | Weight | Sender (Can be rejected or accepted) | Receiver (can accept or reject) |
Immediate Reward | 2 | Anywhere between -0.49 and 0.8 | Anywhere between 0 and 0.8 |
Monthly Reward | summation of monthly positive MPXR tokens of a user’s friends normalized to 1 + summation of monthly negative MPXR tokens of user’s friends normalized to 2 | ||
Follow Association | Weight | The user who follows | The user who is followed |
Immediate Reward | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Monthly Reward | | summation(Monthly positive MPXR tokens of the user who is followed* the user’s cumulative MPXR token normalized to 1 + summation of monthly negative MPXR tokens of the user who is followed* user’s cumulative MPXR tokens normalized to 2 | summation(each follower’s monthly rep*their MPXR tokens normalized to 1) normalized to 5 |
Daily Login | Weight | All Users | |
0.1 | 0.1 | ||
Daily Login Bonus: Users who log in for 30 straight days. | 1.00 | ||
Posting on Mindplex Social | Weight | All Users | |
0.2 | Anywhere between 0 and 0.2 | ||
Posting on Community Section | Weight | All Users | |
0.7 | 0.7 | ||
Posting on News Section | Weight | All Users | |
0.5 | 0.5 | ||
Posting on Magazine Section | Weight | All Users | |
0.9 | 0.9 | ||
Voting on the ‘People’s Choice’ Content | Weight | All Users | |
0.5 | Anywhere between 0.5 and 1.00 |