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Social Feed and your Posts
Feeds on Mindplex are posts of other users. You can interact with feeds – in fact we encourage you to do so, because Reputation on Mindplex is calculated based on interactions.
Feeds will appear on your wall based on your recommendation setting and your friendship and following relations.
As explained on The Mindplex Social’ page, you can post content and share that with the world independently. However, some rules govern the process –
1) Users can post only once every 12 hours.
2) Each post has to collect 0.06 reputation tokens (MPXR) in the first 48 hours.
3) The system will auto delete all posts that failed to reach 0.06 MPXR in their first 48 hours.
4) To give posts better visibility, the system will recommend them to each of your Friends and Followers. However, users who are not your Friend or Follower are less likely to see your post, they will receive limited feeds determined on the recommendation engine.
5) Everything regarding the posts/feeds is automated, and users cannot appeal to the Mindplex team to retrieve deleted posts.
Mindplex is where you will find high-quality content! As a result, we have implemented reputation-based content sharing, so you will only receive posts created by users that care for a meaningful interaction.
N.B. Mindplex will increase the minimum reputation point of posts (currently 0.06 MPXR) in due time, so please check this page occasionally.