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Unleash Your Inner Musical Genius: Audialab and AI

Feb. 09, 2023.
1 min. read. 1 Interactions

Musical Genius Unleashed by AI

About the Writer

Lewis Farrell

78.82323 MPXR

Highly curious about things that increase my awareness, expand my perception, and make me open to being a better person.

AI technology is rapidly changing the way music is produced. Audialab, an American company, is at the forefront of AI-assisted music production and is developing software that will change the game. Emergent Drums, their first plugin, is an AI-powered drum machine that doesn’t rely on pre-existing samples or synthesis engines. Instead, it generates drum samples using AI and machine learning technology. The plugin employs a neural network trained on tens of thousands of existing samples, studying patterns in the raw waveform data of these audio files to form its own representation of what different drum sounds could be.

Emergent Drums can generate countless variations on all of the traditional drum sounds, as well as toms and noise-based percussive sounds. The plugin is constantly learning and evolving, training itself with the sounds it generates. It should be noted that the plugin does not generate sounds using your computer’s hardware and can only be used online. While Emergent Drums is not a replacement for your sample library, it would be an excellent addition to it. It’s worth noting that the majority of the samples produced have a crunchy, digitally lo-fi sound that would work well in a glitch/IDM track. Overall, AI technology is changing the way music is produced, and Emergent Drums is just the beginning.


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