Abrhame Habtom
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Liam James
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Hey, my name is Abrhame Habtom muleta. I was born and raised in Addis Ababa. I am middle child for my family. my school life started when I was 4 and went to a private school named harmonies life acadmay until I reached grade 7 . In grade 7 I was learning Goro primary school. That was when my first programming experience started. My neighbour, a computer science student, taught me C++ which was hard. Then guided by tutorials I started to learn Html and css for crafting simple static webs. Upon passing 8th grade with good results. I was able to get a fully funded scholarship at Gelan Boys Boarding Student. For 3 years my programming world came to a halt it is because I was disconnected from my desktop upon entering boarding school. But I was enthusiastic about programming. I did not stop learning and I learned Basics python and javascript on my phone. After finishing grade 12 . I have been studying in Addis Ababa University. Through one year of study, I thought my self crafting webs and integration with LLM tools to developing my own model. I expect better for my future.....
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