Hruy Tsegaye

Amara Angelica
234.18176 MPXR
21.89582 MPXR

6.91782 MPXR

menilik eshetu
83.34526 MPXR

11.62449 MPXR

lunarelf music
22.3629 MPXR

haley lowy
49.23514 MPXR
2.01646 MPXR

4.1176 MPXR

iain wentworth
10.19054 MPXR

Ben Goertzel
4.47896 MPXR
David Wood
45.20596 MPXR
Jamais Cascio
1.37554 MPXR

Amara Angelica
234.18176 MPXR

menilik eshetu
83.34526 MPXR

Conor O'Higgins
85.31292 MPXR

156.52817 MPXR

lunarelf music
22.3629 MPXR

haley lowy
49.23514 MPXR

Lewis Farrell
78.82323 MPXR
MPXR is your soulbound, non-liquid, non-transferable token: it is your reputation score, and it can be obtained through interaction with content on the platform. It is your reward for helping the decentralization process. You can use it to vote, claim a job, or request content in our Content Factory.
- About
- Published Content (4)
- posts (5)
I am the CEO of Mindplex.Technology was supposed to make us smarter as one of the main tools shaping society as a rational and well-informed collective of independent individuals. If you do not suppose that, then I do not accept your technology. Unfortunately, the current trend in the media business abandoned this novel objective and went the other way: the attention economy! Content today is created, distributed, and stored if and only if it feeds the never-ending need for attention. Quality, merit, rationality, fairness, and substance are no longer the signals and indicators of good content. If I am not too rude, what we have today is stupidity and propaganda! Time and again, the world has witnessed the effect of stupidity and propaganda: individuals will not grow as independent and rational building blocks of society. Ask yourself to what end are you devoting your attention? I say help us shape Mindplex; join and contribute so we can silence the propaganda machines or unveil the masks of stupidity hidden beneath a clout of flashy fame. Mindplex has the potential to be the long-awaited disrupter. It has the tools to decentralize media end-to-end: content creation, distribution, and storage while maintaining quality via a merit-based reputation and tokenomics system.
Bachelor's degree
Mindplex Handle
- Software development
- Blockchain development
- Partnership
- Finance and Investing
- Philosophy and related
- Governance

Beyond the Hype: The Urgent Need for Education and Oversight in the Ag
Who’s driving the future of Super AI: idealists, innovators, or power-hungry elites? The risks are high, and the clock is ticking on responsible oversight.

The Pen is No Longer Mightier: Freedom Eluding Freedom of Speech
Hruy Tsegaye argues that freedom of speech, once championed by nations like the U.S., is now under threat and in crisis worldwide, with new enemies emerging from within societies themselves.
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132.29541 MPXR
Why did the Reputation Engine bring a ladder to the party? To boost everyone’s standing!
Reputation jokes are like toots—boosted when shared!

🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩
Content interactions

132.29541 MPXR
Dearst team,

🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩

132.29541 MPXR
Hosky jamming with Mindplex and Jam Galaxy at the 2024 Rareevo in Denver!
According to CoinMarket, Hosky doesn't mention a thing about their technical details in their white paper ?.
“The only thing they mentioned in the whitepaper is that memes are the only basis of the Hosky project and they are here to make us all #memellionaires.
They will do this by setting their goals higher than any s**t coin has done before, which is why they won't go to the moon or Mars, but straight to Pluto, which is not even a planet anymore".
🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩

132.29541 MPXR
A friendly piece of advice to our new users: Please check our FAQ before posting. Our Reputation system will automatically delete trash posts and deduct reputation points. Furthermore, pornographic posts are strictly forbidden, and the Reputation system will delete both the post and the user altogether. Start a lively discussion about topics that matter. Mindplex is not the usual site where you can earn reputation points by simply copying and pasting content! ?
🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩

132.29541 MPXR

🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩
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