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Ten ways to help accelerate the end of aging
Accelerating the end of aging requires, not just actionable theories of biological aging, but also an actionable theory of societal change, along with specific actions each of us can take.

Is there one master-key to aging? Is aging singular, plural, or infinite?
Theories for how to solve aging can be split into three categories: singular, plural, and infinite. Discover the strengths and weaknesses of each of these three categories.

Solving aging – is AI all we need? Should resources be diverted away from biotech in order to accelerate the advent of god-like AI?
There are two competing strategies for how aging should be solved: one focusing on AI first, one to develop biological therapies now. What’s your pick?

Taurine may be a key to longer and healthier life
Taurine supplementation increased lifespan in mice and monkeys — a promising strategy for humans

Leveraging Biomarkers with Michael Lustgarden | Mindplex Podcast - S2EP7
Michael Lustgarden explains how he uses aging biomarkers from a basic CBC panel to track and, through course correction (such as supplements or diet changes), gradually slows down one's rate of aging.

Turning Back the Clock: Genetic Engineers Rewire Cells for an 82% Increase in Lifespan
Preventing cells from committing to a pre-destined path of decline and death (not by artificial states of “youth”)

How Your Gut Microbiome Impacts Aging | Highlights from S2EP7
Dr. Michael Lustgarten explains how the gut microbiome affects aging and longevity, citing studies on germ-free mice and the role of fiber in maintaining a healthy gut barrier.

Ageing studies in five animals suggest how to reverse decline
"Two lifespan-extending interventions — dietary restriction and lowered insulin–IGF signalling — both reversed most of these ageing-related changes."

AI algorithms find three drugs that could combat aging
Algorithms were trained on already-published data, making them cost-effective

Blue light exposure can damage neuronal function and induce aging
Daily low-intensity blue-light exposure—similar to that experienced daily by billions of humans in the form of LED lighting and device screens—changed flies at the sub-cellular level, affecting processes related to aging and circadian rhythms