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AI-Generated Cocktails Are Here!

Mar. 07, 2023.
1 min. read. 8 Interactions

Houston bar pits AI-generated cocktails against human-made drinks in a Humans vs. Machines menu. Who will win?

About the Writer

Lewis Farrell

75.64947 MPXR

Highly curious about things that increase my awareness, expand my perception, and make me open to being a better person.

Axelrad bar in Houston has collaborated with AI language generator ChatGPT to create a menu of AI-generated drinks. Four bot-made beverages will compete against four similar drinks made by human bartenders on the ‘Humans vs. Machines’ menu. Customers can vote for their favorite drink by ordering half portions of each. At the end of the month, the winning team — whether human or machine — earns bragging rights and permanent placement on the menu. Owner Adam Brackman came up with the idea for AI-generated cocktails after seeing ChatGPT being used in a variety of fields and thinking it could create a cocktail. Make a spicy mocktail or a Legend of Zelda-inspired drink were among the prompts given to ChatGPT. The winning team will be determined by popular vote, though AI will never replace true, in-person hospitality, according to Brackman.

Source: Food & Wine (link)
Images: MidJourney, Prompts by Lewis Farrell

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One thought on “AI-Generated Cocktails Are Here!

  1. Creative and imaginative






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