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“In the AGI era, effective international collaboration is key,” says Esti Peshin, VP and General Manager of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Cyber Division

Feb. 02, 2023.
1 min. read. 1 Interactions

“In the AGI era, effective international collaboration is key,” says Esti Peshin, VP and General Manager of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Cyber Division

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Lewis Farrell

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Highly curious about things that increase my awareness, expand my perception, and make me open to being a better person.

According to Esti Peshin, VP and General Manager of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Cyber Division, effective international collaboration and information sharing are required for cyber resilience in the age of AGI (artificial general intelligence). Peshin emphasizes that cyber is a strategic threat that is being used effectively to exert power in the international arena. In the AGI era, the challenges are balancing cyber security and business continuity. Peshin emphasized the importance of ethics in the AGI era, claiming that next-generation Security Operation Centers must handle the entire ecosystem with AI-powered data. Peshin concluded by saying that cyber resilience is critical and requires international cooperation to be effective.


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