FDA has now cleared more than 500 healthcare AI algorithms

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as of January 2023, over 520 AI medical algorithms had been cleared in the US, with the majority of them being related to medical imaging. By analyzing vast amounts of data generated during healthcare delivery, AI and ML technologies have the potential to transform healthcare. Because of the high accuracy of AI pattern recognition, there has been a focus on medical imaging applications such as diagnostic aids, quantification, contouring, and clinical decision support. AI is also being used in non-clinical areas of healthcare, such as IT systems to sort through patient data and extract relevant information. Clinical AI requires regulatory approval from the FDA, whereas non-clinical AI does not. With the rapid growth of FDA-approved AI and ML systems, the number of AI medical algorithms is expected to grow in the future.


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Meet Bard, Google’s rival to ChatGPT

Google has introduced Bard, a new conversational AI service. Bard will be released with a lightweight version of Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) to allow more users to experiment with it. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, has described Bard as a way to combine the world’s knowledge with the power and intelligence of Google’s language models to provide new and high-quality responses. The company will use external tester feedback, as well as internal testing, to ensure that Bard meets its three LaMDA objectives: quality, safety, and groundedness. Based on this feedback, Bard’s responses will improve over time.

Google intends to use AI-powered Search features to provide more helpful answers to complex queries. People are increasingly turning to Google for deeper insights and understanding, according to Pichai, and the company wants to make it easier for them to get to the heart of what they’re looking for. The goal is to help people learn about complex topics by allowing them to explore a wide range of opinions and perspectives. Bard’s release is part of Google’s larger effort to improve its AI capabilities and provide more useful and efficient services to its users.


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How AI points the way to a new gold standard for big data analytics

While many organizations have a huge amount of data available, the limitations of central processing units make it difficult to process it all (CPUs). On the other hand, artificial intelligence (AI) has made tremendous progress thanks to the use of graphics processing units (GPUs), which have greatly accelerated algorithmic performance and opened up new opportunities for algorithms. However, big data has yet to develop its own distinct computing infrastructure, as CPUs continue to be the foundation for data analytics despite their inefficiency. We are now seeing a similar “revolution” where data scientists are finding ways to run data analytics workloads on dedicated processors with the same efficiency as AI workloads run on GPUs, leading to new levels of insights at previously unattainable speeds. We’ve seen AI researchers deviate from the standard path to find GPUs. Now, big data researchers are charting their own course and pushing the limits of big data analytics.


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Latent Technology raises $2.1M to bring generative AI to video games

Latent Technology, an AI start-up based in the United Kingdom, has raised $2.1 million in pre-seed funding to bring generative AI to the video game industry. Based on reinforcement learning, the AI technology allows video game characters to react to anything that happens in the game, eliminating the need for manual animation of every possible body motion and angle. The company’s goal is to make it easier and less expensive for video game developers to create video games. According to the CEO, Jorge del Val Santos, while generative AI may become more widely used, some game developers will always prefer complete control over the creative process. In 18 to 24 months, the company intends to release a demo in collaboration with a gaming company.


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‘We’re going through a big revolution’: how AI is de-ageing stars on screen

The use of artificial intelligence to age famous actors is a growing trend in Hollywood. Harrison Ford and Tom Hanks are two actors who have undergone the procedure to appear younger. The technology, developed by the AI firm Metaphysic, creates “high-resolution photorealistic faceswaps and de-ageing effects on top of actors’ performances live and in real time without the need for further compositing or VFX work”. Both praise and criticism have been heaped on the technology. Some believe it provides a solution to the problem of replacing aging actors, while others are concerned about the technology’s potential for malicious use. Furthermore, some are concerned about the future of the film industry and the possibility of AI rendering human actors obsolete. Regardless of the consequences, it is clear that the use of AI in Hollywood will only grow.


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Australia TGA approves psilocybin and MDMA for use in treating depression and PTSD

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s esteemed medical regulatory body, has made a ground-breaking declaration: it has granted approval for the utilization of psychedelics, such as MDMA and psilocybin, in treating mental health conditions. Commencing from July 1st, authorized psychiatrists can now prescribe MDMA for patients suffering from PTSD, while psilocybin can be recommended for those with treatment-resistant depression – but only under the strictest of medical supervision.

Although studies have generated optimistic outcomes, indicating that psychedelics could be a viable option for treating depression and PTSD, there’s still much that needs to be explored and understood about the long-term effects of these drugs. The TGA, in its ruling, has emphasized that psychedelics will only be obtainable in controlled medical environments, and all other uses will continue to be strictly prohibited. The decision to allow the use of psychedelics as a therapeutic intervention was taken as a last resort, for individuals grappling with treatment-resistant mental illnesses, but experts caution that more research is indispensable before a widespread implementation of these drugs can be approved.


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Google invested $300 million in AI firm founded by former OpenAI researchers

Anthropic, a startup founded by former OpenAI researchers, has received a $300 million investment from Google. Google now owns 10% of the company, which conducts research into AI language models and has developed its own chatbot, Claude, which could compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The founders of Anthropic split from OpenAI due to disagreements about the company’s increasing commercial focus. Google and Anthropic’s collaboration is similar to Microsoft and OpenAI’s collaboration, in which OpenAI provides research expertise while Microsoft provides investment and access to its cloud platform. The deal is believed to be motivated by Google’s desire to expand its cloud computing business, but it is unclear whether the company will incorporate Claude into its services. Anthropic’s primary goal is to create “reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems.” Google will hold an event next week to discuss its AI future.


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Institutional Traders Shifting Attention from Blockchain to AI: JP Morgan

According to JP Morgan’s recent e-Trading Edit report, more than half of institutional traders polled believe that artificial intelligence and machine learning will have the greatest impact on trading’s future over the next three years, while only 12% believe blockchain technology will have the same impact. Despite this, 72% of traders do not intend to trade cryptocurrency or digital coins. According to the report, traders expect electronic trading to grow further and predict that 64% of their activity will be in the crypto space by 2024. However, they anticipate future challenges, with the most significant potential developments affecting markets being recession risk, inflation, and geopolitical conflict. In recent months, JP Morgan has published a number of reports and studies on cryptocurrency and digital assets.


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US Chip Ban Threatens the Advancement of China’s AI, Semiconductor Industry

The United States, the Netherlands, and Japan have agreed to limit China’s access to high-tech chip manufacturing machinery, which was Beijing’s way of getting around earlier restrictions by using suppliers outside the United States. These export restrictions were imposed to prevent China from developing high-performance chips used in artificial intelligence, supercomputers, and other technologies. As a result, China’s AI growth has been targeted, with the US prohibiting the export of Nvidia A100 and H100 chips. This has resulted in a scarcity of high-performance chips, raising their prices and reducing profit margins, forcing major companies to rethink and possibly discontinue their products. Small and medium-sized businesses will be the hardest hit, as their operations may be forced to close. The founder of a Chinese AI start-up described the sanctions as a “blitz strike” by the US to exploit the Chinese AI sector’s reliance on US-controlled global design and manufacturing systems.


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Quora introduces ChatGPT rival Poe

Poe, Quora’s AI-powered chatbot platform, allows users to ask questions and engage in back-and-forth conversations with several AI-powered bots. Poe is currently available for iPhone users, but will soon be available on all major platforms. Poe intends to be a bot aggregator, allowing users to access multiple chatbots in a single app that will be optimized for specific tasks. Poe CEO Adam D’Angelo predicts that in the future, Poe will integrate models such as GPT-3.5 and chatbots such as ChatGPT. By reducing the amount of work required to reach a large audience, the platform is expected to bridge the gap between fast and user-friendly interfaces and AI developers. Quora is also working on an API that will allow AI developers to connect their models to Poe.


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