85.21275 MPXR

This follows on my first post about my DIY psi experiment. Psi-sceptic explanations to consider:
  • "It was just a coincidence" – prevented by statistical calculation
  • "You analysed the data various ways until you found a way of making it look good" – prevented by this post, which commits me to a particular methodology before I conduct the experiment. I will post the data whether it shows an effect or not.
  • "You quit when you were ahead" – prevented by this post; I have decided on the number of trials in advance: 6000
  • "You lied" – this I can't prove to you, but I know for my own self. You can try replicate.
  • "The dice are biased" – To control this, I rolled 600 virtual dice on the 16th of April and made no attempt to psychically influence them. I got: 984 ones, 973 twos, 1007 threes, 1015 fours, 964 fives, 1057 sixes
  Three things that might help the psi effect – worth mentioning to would-be replicators:
  1. According to an article in 'Evidence for psi thirteen empirical research reports' edited by Ben Gortzel, psi effects are strongest around 13:47 sidereal time; I will use sidereal.app/calculate to optimise this
  2. It's the day of a full moon; Dean Radin has investigated if this affects psi
  3. random.org uses a random number generator in Dublin, Ireland, about one mile from where I conducted the experiment
💯 💘 😍 🎉 👏
🟨 😴 😡 🤮 💩

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2 thoughts on “7bf343c3-f2dc-4e01-9913-607606b58546

  1. Will it be more effective if the experminet is done by more than one person? Like three people willing number 4 sitting side by side?

  2. You are only short by 125 from the impossible number! If you repeat this experiment three more times and if the number is the same or similar, I will be a believer.
