The Pen is No Longer Mightier: Freedom Eluding Freedom of Speech

In Defense of the Undefendable: What is the Price of Freedom of Speech?

Is freedom of speech a human right? Is it an inalienable right? As someone from Ethiopia, I deeply understand the value of freedom of speech. A simple critique of my government, religious groups, or of certain rich people in my country can lead to a knock at my door in the dead of night. The chilling thought that my words could provoke an arrest – or worse, a violent end – haunts me as I pen this. In a world where dissent is silenced, I tread carefully, even though I know the truth must be communicated. I often remain silent cowering just to see tomorrow. This has been true for my grandfather, my father, and perhaps for my children. Unfortunately, speech has rarely been truly free throughout the history of humankind, at least from the advent of written language onwards. 

For me, freedom of speech is the ultimate human right, and I believe there should be no restrictions on it.

Why is freedom of speech so important? Many may not view it this way, but I consider it the cornerstone of civilization. Without the ability to communicate, none of humanity’s achievements would have been achieved. It is our unique capacity to master language and convey abstract ideas which sets us apart in the animal kingdom. Unlike other species, we can learn and master multiple languages – something a bonobo monkey, for instance, cannot do, as it cannot even communicate ‘snake’ in the chimpanzee or gorilla dialect.

Our ability to command language and communicate effectively has been the foundation upon which all civilizations, past and present, have been built. Therefore, restricting freedom of speech cuts societal development off at the feet. Historically, the main enemies of this right were governments and religious authorities, who sought to control thought and expression to maintain their power. 

However, in a troubling shift, individuals, minority groups, and some liberals – those who historically relied on freedom of speech as their shield – are increasingly joining this suppression under the banner of combating hate speech, enforcing political correctness, and avoiding offensiveness. This trend is arguably more dangerous than freedom’s traditional hangman: governments or religious bodies. It is more dangerous and more damaging because it reshapes cultural norms and collective attitudes, potentially eroding the foundational values of open dialogue and expression.

Millions of words have been written about George Orwell’s 1984, and I won’t add more to this extensive commentary. Instead, I will remind you of a single, powerful truth from 1984: words have the power to shape thoughts. When I argue that freedom of speech should always be completely free, I am not just addressing censorship; I am warning against how restrictions can easily turn into a sinister force that fundamentally alters how people think, making certain ideas impossible to conceive. Any restriction on freedom of speech can be manipulated, posing the terrifying potential of becoming a tool for thought control through language control.

Now, consider this: what are we without our thoughts? Our thoughts form the essence of who we are; they are the foundation of our identity, our values, and our sense of reality. Without the freedom to think and express ourselves, we lose the core elements that make us rational—our capacity for reflection, creativity, and critical analysis. I challenge you to recognize that the fight for freedom of speech is a fight in defense of our ability to think freely.

The advent of social media was supposed to herald a new era of unrestricted freedom of speech, providing a platform for voices that were previously silenced. Sadly, one by one, these same platforms have gradually fallen under the control of the traditional censors, and now individuals themselves are perpetuating this trend, often advocating for the suppression of content that offends or dissents. The conversation has shifted from protecting speech to demanding to ban this and that, or censoring something offensive. In a time when technology should empower every individual to speak freely, we instead find a digital landscape increasingly marred by calls for restriction, demonstrating that the battle for freedom of speech is actually going backwards.

The Everyday Casualty: The Not So Silent Murder of Freedom of Speech

Two recent events inspired me to address this issue.

Pavel Durov, the CEO and founder of Telegram, was arrested by French authorities at Le Bourget Airport near Paris on August 24. He was arrested based on claims that Telegram has been used to facilitate criminal activities, including cyberbullying, drug trafficking, and the promotion of extremism. French authorities have accused Telegram of failing to comply with content moderation laws and not assisting with various criminal investigations. Reports indicate that the warrant for Durov’s arrest was issued by France’s l’Office mineurs (OFMIN), an agency focused on combating violence against children.

Following Durov’s arrest, there has been significant concern about the platform’s privacy practices. Critics, including privacy-focused organizations, have raised issues regarding Telegram’s encryption standards, suggesting that the platform’s lack of robust end-to-end encryption might allow authorities to access user data. Now Telegram could be compelled to hand over private communications to French authorities. 

In response, Telegram has publicly defended its policies, arguing that it adheres to European Union laws, including the Digital Services Act, and that it is not responsible for abuses of the platform​ committed by users.

The arrest has sparked a wide array of reactions from prominent figures in the tech world. Notably, Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin expressed support for Durov, highlighting broader concerns about freedom of speech and privacy in digital communications. Durov himself has previously voiced concerns about attempts by U.S. security agencies to gain control over Telegram’s operations, suggesting that his platform’s commitment to privacy and free speech has put it at odds with authorities in multiple countries​

The second event: Brazil banned Twitter. The ban was motivated by escalating concerns about the platform’s handling of misinformation, hate speech, and disinformation, particularly during a critical election period. The Brazilian government accused Twitter of failing to take adequate measures to curb the spread of false information that could influence public opinion and disrupt the democratic process. Authorities cited Twitter’s non-compliance with local laws that require stricter moderation of harmful content, including hate speech and content that incites violence or spreads false narratives​.

This move by Brazil reflects broader global concerns over the influence of social media platforms on public discourse and their role in amplifying harmful content. The ban is seen as part of a wider effort by the Brazilian government to regulate digital platforms more aggressively, ensuring they align with national interests and legal standards. The ban has raised debates over the balance between free speech and the need to protect the public from misinformation, echoing similar tensions faced by other countries grappling with the impact of social media on society​.

I’m deliberately stating the facts of the incidents in a neutral way, mainly reflecting what the mainstream media has reported so far. 

But I’m not neutral. I’ll be direct! I think these incidents are bogus! They are horse shit! Durov is in custody because the EU, UK, and US governments want access to all information on Telegram. Brazil banned Twitter because the government in power wants to control the information flow and is desperate to reshape the election narrative.

The USA, which is still the safest haven on this planet for freedom of speech, used to be the home of the free and the land of the brave. But with the current restrictions on freedom of speech, it will no longer be able to maintain that status. The land of the brave is not a place where butt-naked men hunt buffalo with their bare hands, or strong, sexy women fight bears just for fun while breastfeeding their kids. The land of the brave is all about freedom of thought and the right to pursue these thoughts; it is all about freedom of speech.

Why do I appeal to the land of the brave? Because this land, despite all the atrocities it has committed, is still the champion of freedom of thought and freedom of speech. The U.S. might have one thousand and one sins—which country doesn’t?—but it is also the country that teaches us the value of these freedoms. Even with its flaws, the U.S constitution is a powerful reminder of the importance of the right to think and speak freely, serving as an enduring symbol of these fundamental human rights.

The Constitution that Championed Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, specifically in the First Amendment, which prohibits Congress from making any law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. This right is rooted in the belief that free expression is essential to democracy, allowing for the open exchange of ideas, debate, and dissent without fear of government retribution. The First Amendment’s protection of free speech extends broadly, covering everything from political speech to protest, and especially to speech that might be offensive or unpopular.

In contrast, many European nations also value freedom of speech but often incorporate additional considerations such as hate speech laws, privacy protections, and the balance between free expression and social harmony. For instance, Germany and France have strict regulations against hate speech, Holocaust denial, and the dissemination of Nazi propaganda, reflecting a historical sensitivity to the dangers of extremist ideologies. The European Convention on Human Rights, which governs many European nations, protects freedom of expression but allows for restrictions deemed necessary in a democratic society for reasons such as national security, public safety, or the protection of the rights and reputations of others. This more regulated approach reflects a different solution to the balancing act between individual liberties and collective responsibilities compared to the United States.

The End of the Champion: The Clear and Present Danger

The “clear and present danger” test is a legal doctrine used to determine when limitations on free speech are permissible under the U.S. Constitution. Established in the 1919 Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States, the test was articulated by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who stated that speech could be restricted if it presents a “clear and present danger” of causing significant harm that the government has a right to prevent. For example, falsely shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, which could cause panic and harm, is not protected under the First Amendment because it poses a direct threat to public safety.

This standard was initially used during wartime to restrict anti-war protests or dissent that could disrupt military recruitment or operations. Over time, the test evolved. Notably, in 1969, it was replaced by the “imminent lawless action” standard set by the case of Brandenburg v. Ohio. The updated test requires that speech must be directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and be likely to incite or produce such action, setting a higher threshold for limiting free speech. This evolution reflects a greater emphasis on protecting speech rights while balancing public safety and order.

Alas! The doctrine of “Clear and Present Danger” breached the constitutional wall that protects freedom of speech. Since then, more parts of the wall have been pulled down. The doctrine of clear and present danger itself has become the number one clear and present danger to freedom of speech. Originally intended to justify limitations on speech in extreme circumstances, it has often been used to attack the very freedoms it was meant to protect. It threatens to make the threshold for restricting speech dangerously subjective and easily exploited.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

O Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Speech Where Art Thou Freedom of Speech?

I challenged myself to find another champion of freedom of speech, so I began searching every corner of the internet for rules and regulations that grant humans the unrestricted and inalienable right to freedom of speech. Unfortunately, my search did not yield any good news. Nonetheless, I will share what I discovered here.

Freedom of speech across European nations varies significantly, reflecting each country’s historical, cultural, and legal context. In Germany, freedom of expression is protected by the Basic Law, but there are stringent regulations against hate speech, Holocaust denial, and the promotion of Nazi ideology. These laws are rooted in Germany’s historical experiences with extremism, and their desire to prevent hateful or dangerous ideologies from taking hold again. Some see these regulations as necessary for protecting public order and human dignity, they sometimes raise debates about the limits of free expression; can they be used as a pretext to censor and restrict any kind of speech? While my dad can shave in the Charlie Chaplin style, a German can’t because Hitler used to shave like that! I can’t shave like Charlie Chaplin because my beard is more of a side beard, and I shave in the Wolverine style. Now, the “toothbrush mustache” is like freedom of speech, but as I told you, restrictions can shape thoughts, and this style is completely out of the thoughts of all Germans!

In France, freedom of speech is a core republican value, enshrined in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. However, France also enforces strict laws against hate speech, defamation, and inciting violence. Controversies over satirical depictions of the Prophet Muhammad exemplified France’s particular challenges balancing freedom of expression with respect for religious beliefs. These tensions highlight the delicate balance between upholding free speech and protecting public harmony, but one thing is sure: expressing one’s thoughts on Telegram will soon be out of the French people’s thoughts.

The United Kingdom generally enjoys a high level of freedom of speech, but it has notable exceptions such as laws against hate speech, libel, and certain national security-related restrictions. The UK has a robust press and a tradition of lively public debate, though recent concerns have arisen over the impact of anti-terrorism legislation and of surveillance practices on journalistic freedoms. Additionally, the UK’s libel laws are among the most stringent in Europe, which critics argue can be used to stifle legitimate criticism and investigative journalism. Seeing people like Piers Morgan freely debating transgender issues on public TV is now out of the Brit’s thought process. 

In contrast, eastern European countries like Hungary have seen a decline in press freedom and freedom of speech in recent years. For some it is just a continuation from the Soviet era. Countries like Hungary use defamation laws to target journalists and media companies that criticize the government, leading to a climate of self-censorship. 

The European Union has raised concerns about these developments, saying they are part of a trend of democratic backsliding in these countries. But who will listen? Doesn’t the very same organization restrict freedom of speech under pretexts like ‘clear and present danger’, ‘hate speech’, etc.? Is criticizing Putin anti-Putin hate speech?

Sweden, known for its strong protections of freedom of speech and press, has some of the most liberal laws regarding free expression in Europe. The Swedish constitution guarantees freedom of expression, and the country consistently ranks high in global press freedom indices. However, even in Sweden, there are restrictions on hate speech, particularly when the speech targets ethnic or religious groups. Again we see the ‘balancing’ act between free expression and protecting people from harm. The Swedish people will soon forget their natural right to criticize other cultures or religions –  it is hate speech.

In short, none of the European nations have unrestricted freedom of speech laws. Yet there is a more dangerous trend: they are imposing more and more restrictions in the name of fighting clear and present dangers or “social harmony” over free expression.

Freedom of speech in South American countries varies widely. Some nations have strong legal protections while others face significant restrictions. In Brazil, freedom of speech is constitutionally guaranteed, but it is frequently tested by political and social disputes – like the recent Twitter ban. Brazil also has a weird defamation law, and it’s often used against journalists and activists, creating a chilling effect on critical reporting.

In Venezuela, freedom of speech is severely restricted under the authoritarian government of Nicolás Maduro. This is nothing new to folks in Venezuela because his predecessor Chaves has the same laws, no one can talk against the government! The state controls much of the media landscape, and independent journalists and opposition voices frequently face harassment, censorship, and imprisonment. Argentina, on the other hand, has relatively strong protections for freedom of speech, with a vibrant media landscape and active civil society. However, there are still challenges, such as political interference in public media and economic pressures on independent outlets. While the legal framework generally supports free expression, journalists occasionally face threats and violence, particularly when covering sensitive topics like corruption and organized crime. 

In Colombia, freedom of speech is legally protected, but journalists and human rights defenders often work under threat due to ongoing violence related to armed conflict, drug trafficking, and corruption. Attacks on the press – including intimidation and assassinations – make it dangerous for media professionals to operate freely. The government has made efforts to protect journalists, but impunity for crimes against journalists remains a significant issue.

Chile generally enjoys a high level of freedom of speech, with strong legal protections and a diverse media environment. However, the country has faced criticism for the use of anti-terrorism laws against indigenous activists and the usual ‘occasional’ restrictions on protests and public demonstrations.

Freedom of speech in Asia varies significantly across different countries, reflecting a broad spectrum from highly restrictive environments (North Korea) to more open (South Korea) but still ‘regulated’ spaces. In China, speech is tightly controlled by the government, with heavy censorship of the internet, media, and even personal communications. The Great Firewall of China blocks access to many foreign websites, and criticizing the government can lead to penalties including imprisonment. Surveillance and censorship are pervasive, making China one of the most restrictive countries regarding freedom of expression, balancing the positives of its magical economic growth and perception as one of the world’s superpowers. Sadly, the champions of mankind are afraid of freedom of speech.

In contrast, Japan enjoys a relatively high level of freedom of speech, though it is not without its challenges. The Japanese constitution guarantees freedom of expression, and the media operates largely without government interference. 

Right-wing groups in Japan have engaged in campaigns of character-assassination against media personalities who criticize them and offend their nationalistic sensitivities by publicizing the crimes of Imperial Japan. This backlash has led to self-censorship on topics that might offend right-wing groups. Defamation laws can also be used to suppress criticism: the same tactic we’ve just seen in Brazil and the UK. A series of laws – notably the 2016 ‘National Hate Speech Act’ – have expanded the government’s powers to act against the press and individuals, in the name of preventing hate speech and ensuring national security.

South Korea has a robust tradition of freedom of speech, bolstered by a strong democratic framework, since the Korean War of 1950-53. Still, there are limitations, such as the National Security Act, which restricts speech perceived as pro-North Korean or threatening to national security. This act even have scariest restrictions like “Any person who constitutes or joins an anti-government organization, shall be punished as follows…“Online speech is also monitored, and there have been instances of censorship, especially regarding controversial or politically sensitive content. 

India presents a complex picture. Freedom of speech is constitutionally protected, but the implementation is inconsistent. While the media landscape is vibrant and diverse, the government is using laws such as sedition, defamation, and anti-terrorism statutes to stifle dissent and curtail press freedoms. In the most dramatic example of ‘defamation’ being used as a pretext to punish political expression, the Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy recently threw the leader of the opposition in jail for criticizing him. Internet shutdowns, especially in regions like Kashmir, and increased pressure on social media platforms to remove content deemed objectionable by the government further underscore the precarious situation free expression is in in the world’s most populous  country.

In places like Africa and the Middle East, freedom of speech faces significant threats. Here governments often impose harsh restrictions on political speech to maintain grip on power. In many African countries, such as Eritrea, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Rwanda, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, and Zimbabwe, journalists and activists face assassination and imprisonment as part of their job description. In Africa and the Middle East, it is considered the unchallenged right of a government to use harassment and violence to punish those who criticize it. 

Perhaps a compromise solution is best. Maybe it should be legal to murder a man for criticizing a government, but illegal to also chop him up into pieces? That’s when it goes too far (remember Jamal Khashoggi’s death). At least have the manners to kill him in a way that allows an open casket burial.

Both Africa and the Middle East are characterized by governments that freely apply repressive laws, internet shutdowns, and censorship as common tools used to silence dissent. However, in the Middle East, freedom of speech is also curtailed by religious authorities, because from the old guards, religion is still in power in the Middle East. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran employ strict laws against blasphemy, leading to severe punishments, including imprisonment and execution. 

Surprisingly, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes an article that seemingly provides an unrestricted right to freedom of speech. However, the declaration is merely a paper tiger, as no nation on this planet abides by it: they say it is merely a treaty!

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In short, after my long and tiresome search, what I have discovered is that no nation in our world has granted freedom of speech unambiguous protection!

More than half of us globally are now living through a freedom of expression crisis (Credit: Article 19)

New Tyrants in the Old Stranglehold Game

Individuals, self-proclaimed liberals, and frightened minority groups have pushed back against freedom of speech in recent years. Their go-to tactic is labeling certain expressions as offensive, hate speech, or politically incorrect. While these movements often stem from a desire to protect vulnerable groups and promote inclusivity, they can sometimes cross into territory where they suppress open dialogue and dissenting opinions. This shift has created a climate where expressing controversial or unpopular views is not just discouraged but actively silenced. Even comedy is not exempt. Comedians, once seen as cultural commentators with the liberty to push boundaries, now face intense scrutiny and backlash for jokes deemed ‘offensive’ or ‘discriminatory’. With this rate, we will see one of them in the Hague for hate speech!

The new offense defenders or political correctness police, are stifling creativity, art, and humor! This is doubly dangerous because the new enemies of free speech are shaping culture, which is in turn shaping human thoughts – the young generation see an unquestionable consensus, and perceive it as how everyone expects them to think. It’s not a government or some not-so-cool religious zealot, it’s your friendly neighborhood liberal telling you how to think. The online and offline worlds are now characterized by heightened sensitivity to personal offense, and it can escalate to a total suppression of expression.

The new soldiers in the war against freedom of speech have managed to make anything clear and present danger. They’ve also demonstrated how very easy it is to stir up societal tensions around hate speech. A simple question like “what is a woman?” is no longer a simple question – in fact you are not allowed to ask the question because it’s considered hate speech against certain groups. I am just sad. This trend of labeling certain speech as unacceptable, whether it be jokes, criticism, or simply differing viewpoints, can lead to dangerous censorship that undermines the principle of free expression. Avoiding harm, and promoting respectful discourse are valid goals, yet the methods of enforcement too often involve silencing voices rather than engaging with them. This limits the marketplace of ideas, and sets a precedent where speech is judged by a subjective standard (offensiveness) rather than an objective one (harm). 

Moreover, the concept of hate speech is sometimes stretched to include any speech that challenges prevailing narratives or makes certain groups uncomfortable, further narrowing the scope of acceptable discourse. The backlash against comedians, authors, and public figures for politically incorrect statements highlights a broader societal shift where the fear of offending has overtaken the value of open dialogue, ultimately posing a significant threat to the foundational right of freedom of speech.

If we are not free to speak our thoughts forth into the world, we are not free to shape our culture. Free speech is mainly about what is in your mind!

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Tron Goes For Throne Via memecoin Minions

The Tron blockchain, established by the TRON Foundation in Singapore in July 2017, has recently cemented its position as a significant new player in the ever growing memecoin sector.

As an EVM-compatible chain, Tron supports smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language, functioning similarly to Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Tron’s shrewd founder, Justin Sun, emphasizes the blockchain’s speed and low transaction fees as key network advantages, positioning and aggressively marketing Tron as the ideal network for NFT and memecoin trading.

Despite its growth, Tron has faced skepticism, particularly concerning centralization, the large amounts of stablecoins it has in circulation, and potential market manipulation. 
However, there has been consistent bullish momentum of Tron’s native TRX token (and other coins on its blockchain) ever since the bear market lows in December 2022, and this has quieted many critics. Tron’s trading volumes have surged, with the network recently hitting $280.4 million in daily volume and generating $5.4 million in revenue on August 21 alone – a new all-time high.

Credit: DeFiLlamma

Tron’s Bullish Price Action

The bullish performance of Tron and its native TRX token remains an outlier to its EVM competitors and other layer-1 chains, which have struggled with low or poor price action in mid 2024 as the early bullrun fizzled out. When comparing the charts, Tron is less than 10% from its 2021 bull run highs, while its most obvious competitor; Solana, is approximately 50% from its own 2021 highs.

Credit: TradingView

Tron’s Effect on Solana

Many market spectators have suggested that Solana’s bullish price action after its lows in 2022 are caused by memecoin mania. This craze arose primarily in the Solana ecosystem – with coins such as PEPE, BONK and WIF becoming deeply entrenched names due to their massive gains during this past year. WIF in particular is now ranked as the 55th most valuable crypto by market cap, with a staggering $1,606,879,830 in total market cap. 

The effect that these memecoins have had on the Solana blockchain is undeniable. But with Tron recently launching SunPump, many believe that an even greater number of crypto users might soon be migrating over to Tron. One attraction is the relatively low market cap of many of the Tron memecoins, which offers the possibility for greater gains if the crypto market turns bullish.

Time will tell what effect this will have on Solana, but competition from Tron has thrown a bear among the pigeons of the Solana memecoin community. Metrics have shown a recent decline in transactions on the Solana network as Tron continues to attract memecoin users. 

The rise of Tron created challenges for other blockchain networks – especially at a time when the markets are in limbo and prices generally trending lower in anticipation for rate cuts and presidential elections in the USA.

What is SunPump

A significant development for Tron has been the launch of SunPump, a platform for deploying and trading memecoins. Similar to PumpFun on Solana, SunPump allows users to create and launch their own memecoins on the Tron network, providing a new stimulus to the memecoin sector, which had previously relied heavily on Solana tech. Since its launch on August 9, SunPump has generated over 8.4 million TRX in revenue. That’s valued at approximately $1.4 million.

Justin Sun has suggested that the fees from SunPump could reach $100 million by the end of 2024, with him promising on Twitter that 100% of the revenue generated will go towards burning TRX, a move aimed at reducing supply and potentially increasing the token’s market price. This strategy has bolstered investor confidence and greater interest in the crypto sector, with many viewing it as a positive step toward growing the value of the TRX token. Justin Sun has been very proactive in marketing their new memecoin platform and it underscores his confidence in Tron’s future.

Credit: SunPump

Biggest coins on SunPump

Before mentioning some of the biggest gainers on the SunPump ecosystem, a word of caution to all novice traders; SunPump and other similar memecoin deployers allow anyone to make their own coins. The inherent risk from ‘rug pulls’ is very real so do your own research, and only trade what you are willing to lose. Mindplex does not give financial advice. That being said, many traders have already made small fortunes in the few weeks since the launch of the SunPump platform. Some of the biggest gainers have been: 

  • Sundog ($SUNDOG): Up over 260× since its launch two weeks ago
  • Tron Bull ($BULL): Up over 18× since launch 

Visit the SunPump website for a complete list.

Tron Stablecoins Spark Concerns

However, Tron’s rapid growth in 2024 has brought up several concerns that could affect its future. A primary concern is the large amount of stablecoins circulating on the Tron blockchain, particularly Tether (USDT). 

Stablecoins have long been an integral part to the crypto ecosystem, but the dominance of stablecoins on Tron has led to questions about the network’s decentralization. 

Additionally, the reliance on stablecoins like USDT, which is controlled by a centralized entity, contradicts the core principles of decentralization that blockchain technology was built upon. As of 2024, a higher portion of USDT transactions occur on the Tron blockchain than any other blockchain (even Ethereum). 

While the large amount of stablecoins have increased liquidity and user activity on Tron, it could increase regulatory scrutiny in the U.S. and European markets. 

Regulatory challenges loom large for Tron. In 2023, it received charges from the SEC for violating securities laws. In 2024, regulators worldwide have further increased scrutiny on stablecoin issuers and the platforms that host them, calling for greater transparency, audits, and compliance with anti-money laundering and KYC regulations.

Tron’s DPoS consensus mechanism, while allowing for fast and efficient transactions, concentrates power in the hands of a few validators, raising concerns about potential centralization and the room for actions being taken on the network without sufficient consensus from network participants.

The Tron network’s rapid growth has raised concerns about its security and scalability. As more dApps, DeFi projects, and memecoins are built on Tron, the network’s infrastructure is being put to the test. While Tron’s network allows for high throughput, it is not immune to network congestion and potential vulnerabilities. Ensuring the security and scalability of the Tron network will be crucial to maintaining its leading position in the blockchain industry.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa


The rise of Tron in 2024 has been remarkable. From its origins as a content-focused platform to its current status as a major blockchain player and memecoin platform, Tron has demonstrated it can innovate and adapt to market demands. The launch of SunPump and the subsequent memecoin boom have highlighted Tron’s strengths, but also brought to light important concerns that must be addressed.

But for now, things are looking very positive for the Tron network and its TRX token.With plans to enhance the use of their own USDD stablecoin, and founder Justin Sun’s belief that the blockchain’s revenue could soar to $4 billion within the next year if its current meme strategy proves successful, things are certainly looking up, especially if overall market conditions improve as many market participants are hopeful it will. Time will tell whether Justin Sun’s call to arms of “TO THE SUN” will become the battle cry for enthusiastic and profit-hungry crypto investors across the globe.

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2024 US Election: The Crypto Divide Between Trump and Harris

As the 2024 United States presidential election approaches, an unexpected issue has emerged as a potential game-changer: cryptocurrency policy. The contrasting approaches of the two leading candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, highlight the growing importance of digital assets in American politics, an issue that could have far-reaching implications for the future of finance and technology in the country.

At the moment, Trump is promoting himself as Crypto Jesus, using all its tools from DeFi to NFTs to boost his campaign coffers, while Harris has recently made overtures to the space and announced she’d be accepting donations via Coinbase. What is happening? 

The Crypto Conversion of Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s journey from crypto skeptic to champion is a complete turnaround. In 2021, the former president dismissed Bitcoin as a “scam against the dollar”, a threat to the supremacy of the U.S. dollar. However, by 2024, Trump had done a 180° turn, positioning himself as a prominent cryptocurrency advocate in American politics.

Trump’s crypto embrace began with the launch of his NFT collection in December 2022, featuring digital trading cards commemorating key moments from his presidency. The initial release of 10,000 NFTs at $50 each sold out quickly, though subsequent releases have seen slower uptake.

The former president’s crypto strategy intensified in 2024:

  1. In May, Trump announced that his campaign would accept donations in various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin.
  2. In June, he met with the USA’s Bitcoin mining industry at his Mar-a-Lago resort, declaring that crypto users should vote for him because he would “stand up to Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin”.
  3. In July, Trump made history as the first American president to address a Bitcoin event, speaking at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville.

During his Nashville appearance, Trump emphasized American leadership in the crypto space, stating he wants Bitcoin “mined, minted, and made in the USA.” This rhetoric cleverly ties crypto to his “Make America Great Again” platform, appealing to both tech enthusiasts and his nationalistic base.

Trump’s involvement with crypto isn’t limited to rhetoric. In late August 2024, he announced ‘The DeFiant Ones’, later rebranded as World Liberty Financial, a new cryptocurrency project promising “high yield” investment opportunities. While details remain scarce, this initiative, along with Trump’s sons Donald Jr. and Eric’s involvement, signals that the Trump family has big plans for crypto, particularly in decentralized finance (DeFi).

Kamala Harris: A Cautious Approach

In contrast to Trump’s enthusiastic embrace of crypto, Vice President Kamala Harris has taken a silent approach. As the Democratic nominee, Harris’s exact position on digital assets remains largely undefined.

Harris’s crypto history is closely tied to her role in the Biden administration, which has been characterized by:

  1. Operation Choke Point 2.0: Alleged efforts to discourage banks from serving crypto companies.
  2. Aggressive SEC enforcement actions against leading crypto companies like Coinbase, Binance, and Ripple.
  3. President Biden’s veto of a bipartisan bill that would have made it easier for financial institutions to offer crypto custody services.

However, there are signs that Harris may be open to a more conciliatory approach:

  1. A senior Harris campaign advisor made a brief statement indicating that Harris would “support policies that ensure emerging technologies and that sort of industry can continue to grow.”
  2. Reports indicate that Harris’s campaign has been reaching out to crypto industry executives, showing a willingness to listen to their concerns.
  3. Harris’s Silicon Valley background and support from tech companies suggest she may be more open to innovation than the current administration.

The Crypto Vote: A Potential Kingmaker

Recent polls suggest that crypto owners could be a significant voting bloc in the upcoming election. A Fairleigh Dickinson University poll found that Trump leads Harris by 12 points among crypto holders, while trailing by the same margin among non-crypto owners. The poll also revealed that crypto owners tend to be young men and members of racial minority groups, demographics that could be crucial in swing states.

According to another earlier survey, crypto is considered a key election issue for 20% of voters in six swing states, many of them ethnic minorities like African-American and Hispanic voters. This data underscores the potential impact of crypto policy on the election outcome.

Party Positions and Platform Shifts

The contrasting approaches of Trump and Harris reflect broader shifts within their respective parties:

Republican Party:

  • The Republican Party platform now includes language defending Bitcoin mining and opposing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Trump is especially vocal about the latter, saying on many occasions that it won’t happen on his watch. 
  • There’s increasing activity within the party to create a Bitcoin strategic reserve, led by Donald Trump and senators like Cynthia Lummis who presented a draft bill in Nashville.
  • Trump has promised to fire SEC chairman Gary Gensler, the leading antagonist of crypto, on his first day in office.

Democratic Party:

  • The 2024 Democratic Party Platform  does not mention cryptocurrency, suggesting it’s not a high priority for the party as a whole.
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has significant influence over the Democratic Party’s financial policy, remains one of crypto’s most vocal critics.
  • There are unsubstantiated rumors that Harris will promote Gensler to head of Treasury.

Expert Opinions and Industry Reactions

Crypto industry leaders and experts have mixed reactions to the candidates’ positions:

  1. Jake Chervinsky, Chief Policy Officer at the Blockchain Association, comments: “While Trump’s embrace of crypto is encouraging, we need to see more concrete policy proposals. On the other hand, Harris’s cautious approach leaves room for dialogue and potential compromise.”
  2. Perianne Boring, founder and CEO of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, notes: “The crypto industry needs regulatory clarity, not just friendly rhetoric. We’re looking for candidates who can provide a clear, innovation-friendly regulatory framework.”
  3. Caitlin Long, CEO of Custodia Bank, warns: “Whoever wins, the crypto industry needs to be prepared for continued regulatory challenges. The next administration will need to balance innovation with consumer protection and financial stability concerns.”

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite the potential benefits, both candidates’ approaches to crypto face challenges:


  • Critics point out the contradiction between his current stance and his previous skepticism.
  • There are concerns about how Trump would navigate the complex regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrency if elected.
  • The ‘World Liberty Financial’ project’s promise of high yields raises concerns about potential risks, given past crypto market crashes.


Looking Ahead: The Future of Crypto Policy

As the 2024 election approaches, cryptocurrency is poised to play a significant role in shaping the political landscape. The candidate who can effectively balance innovation, regulation, and economic concerns may gain a crucial advantage.

Key areas to watch include:

  1. Regulatory Framework: How will the candidates propose to provide regulatory clarity without stifling innovation?
  2. International Competitiveness: With countries like El Salvador and the Central African Republic adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, how will the USA position itself in the global crypto landscape?
  3. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): Will the USA pursue a CBDC, and how will that impact existing cryptocurrencies?
  4. Tax Policy: How will crypto transactions and investments be taxed under each administration?
  5. Environmental Concerns: How will the candidates address the energy consumption associated with crypto mining?

In the recent debate between Trump and Harris on September 10th, both candidates steered clear of the subject, indicating they may be unable to articulate their vision for the future of crypto in the United States. As the campaign progresses, cryptocurrency stakeholders and political observers will be watching closely to see how the conclusion of the love triangle between finance, technology, and politics.

Regardless of the election outcome, one thing is clear: cryptocurrency has moved from the fringes to the center of political discourse, and it’s here to stay. The policies shaped by the next administration will have lasting implications for the future of financial innovation and regulation in the United States and beyond.

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Vini Nvidia Vici: How the AI Giant’s Earnings Impacts Crypto AI Tokens


Most crypto AI tokens are now on sale, trading at a huge discount on their 12-months highs, yet many crypto investors remain hopeful and bullish on the sector, in no small part due to its correlation to the TradFi juggernaut that is Nvidia Corporation. That is of course before this week’s alleged DoJ subpoena, which sent all markets down and which we will address in another article. 

The Nvidia stock has come to be a key indicator to the general health of both the traditional stock market and the cryptoverse. They are both barometers of the high-tech sector. Although the crypto market had a slight resurgence during August, this was short-lived; bearish news for Nvidia and the general market has almost completely wiped out recent gains – with AI cryptos such as Near, FET and Render having seen significant downward pressure since August 26. 

These downturns show an intricate relationship between traditional stocks of tech giants and these new classes of assets, offering insights into market sentiment and the many factors driving crypto price valuations in the AI era.

Understanding the Nvidia-AI Crypto Connection

Nvidia’s hardware – specifically their graphics chips – are the computational engine that trains advanced AI models. As such, Nvidia’s performance is often seen as a barometer for the overall health and growth of the AI industry. Although there is a lot of competition in the GPU space, no other company has yet been able to keep up effectively with the speed at which Nvidia has innovated and consistently produces newer and faster tech. 

In the crypto sphere, a new class of tokens has emerged over the past year, focusing on AI applications within blockchain technology. In essence, these tokens finance projects in the AI space, such as AI-powered portfolio management, image-generation, pathfinding, and more. These AI crypto tokens include projects like Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (FET), Bittensor (TAO), and Render (RNDR). 

As the markets become increasingly tied together, many are watching Nvidia with keen eyes for any news that might signal up or downturns in the market. 

Nvidia Pre-Earnings Expectations and Market Behavior

Waiting for Nvidia to release their earnings results at the end of August, analysts were hopeful. The company was doing consistently well and new chips were being released. Prices climbed, fueled by optimistic projections for Nvidia’s performance, with analysts expecting significant year-over-year growth in both revenue and earnings-per-share.

The crypto space experienced a considerable upturn leading up to the earnings call, especially in AI-related tokens. The market cap of many AI and big data cryptocurrencies increased by as much as 80% in the weeks preceding the Nvidia earnings announcement, reaching around $32 billion. This growth reflected not just excitement about Nvidia’s potential earnings beat, but also a broader recovery in the general market following a big dip earlier in August 2024.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

The Earnings Release: Numbers vs. Expectations

Nvidia’s Q2 2024 earnings report did not disappoint. It was, by most measures, exceptional. The company had seen considerable year-on-year growth in virtually every metric:

  • Revenue: $30 billion (up 122% year-over-year)
  • Earnings-per-share: $0.68 (up 168% year-over-year)

These figures surpassed Wall Street’s predictions of $28.72 billion in revenue and $0.64 per share in earnings. The company’s performance was driven primarily by robust demand for its AI products and services. Its other branches also grew: its gaming revenue climbed 16% from a year ago to $2.9 billion, and Nvidia’s self-driving automotive division climbed 37% from a year ago. Good news all around, but as market participants have come to know, good news isn’t always good news for stock prices. 

Post-Earnings Market Reaction: A Significant Downturn

Despite Nvidia’s strong results, the market reaction in both its stock price and subsequently the price of most AI crypto projects was remarkably negative. Below are some noteworthy metrics on valuations in the hours and days since the August 29 release. 

  • $292 billion wiped off the Nvidia stock price, with the stock having fallen 18% since its August highs and downward pressure appearing to hold strong. 
  • Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (FET) dropped 20% to $1.142
  • Bittensor (TAO) fell 27% to $262
  • Render (RNDR) declined 26% to $4.65

This negative response to very positive news about Nvidia illustrates the counterintuitive nature of market dynamics. Expectations often matter more than absolute performance. As market commentator Lisa Abramowicz noted, “Better-than-expected doesn’t cut it for Nvidia. Evidently, investors expect this company to blow away expectations.”

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

Factors Influencing the Post-Earnings Dip

When broader market conditions are taken into account, negative market reactions become a little more understandable. The market in general has seen a substantial downturn recently, with the S&P500 and the Nasdaq having seen notable losses in the past week. Some other notable factors to consider for Nvidia include:

1. Priced-in Expectations: The gains that both the Nvidia stock and in AI crypto tokens made in August before the earnings report meant that much of Nvidia’s success was already factored into prices. Markets are forward-looking, and the higher pricing in mid-August implies the good news had already had its effect before it broke.   

2. Impossibly High Standards: Some analysts had predicted Nvidia would beat estimates by 10% or more. While the company exceeded expectations, it didn’t do so by the margins some had hoped for. The revenue exceeded projections by 4.5%, and the earnings-per-share by 6.25%. Nvidia’s second-quarter earnings were solid but not spectacular—and these days, that isn’t good enough for Wall Street.

3. Delays and Issues with New Chips: There was recent bad news about the new generation of Nvidia’s Blackwell GeForce graphics cards, specifically the RTX 5090: production is delayed and power consumption is higher than expected, possibly reaching 600W. This may have contributed to the downturn in the AI space

4. Forward-Looking Concerns: Investors may have been looking for stronger indications of future growth that weren’t present in the earnings report. Nvidia is however expected to ramp up production of its next-generation chips in the fourth quarter of this year, which could send the stock higher.

5. Broader Market Sentiment: The reaction to Nvidia’s earnings doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Overall market conditions – including concerns about interest rates and economic stability – play a role in how investors have interpreted and reacted to earnings reports.

6. Profit-Taking: The post-earnings dip could partly be attributed to investors cashing in on the pre-earnings rally, the “buy the rumor, sell the news” phenomenon common in financial markets. 

The Interest Rate Factor

The upcoming Fed meeting on 18 Sept 2024 has many investors and market participants sitting at the edge of their seats. The final decision on whether to lower interest rates or keep them stable will play a significant role in shaping market dynamics in the near-to-medium term, and that definitely includes the valuations of AI crypto tokens. Lower interest rates could encourage bullish movement in the market, with some traders expecting a cut of 25 to 50 basis points at the next meeting. 

 Chairman Jerome Powell testifies before the House Committee on Financial Services (Credit: The Conversation)

Long-Term Outlook: Beyond the Earnings Volatility

While the immediate reaction to Nvidia’s Q2 2024 earnings was negative for AI crypto tokens, it’s essential to consider the longer-term picture. Despite the post-earnings dip, many AI tokens have shown impressive year-to-date gains. For instance, FET has surged 75% since the start of 2024, while RENDER and TAO have posted gains of 18% and 10%, respectively.

These gains align with Nvidia’s own excellent performance, with its stock up 160% year-to-date. This broader trend suggests that the AI narrative remains strong, even if short-term fluctuations occur.

Conclusion: Navigating the AI Crypto Landscape

Recent price action in the AI space might be concerning. The technology is not immune to the larger market influences at play. The recent downturn and the uncertainty about the Fed’s interest rate cut puts the entire sector in a precarious spot, but the long-term trajectory of AI development and overall AI adoption appears as robust and promising as ever. 

Many of the projects in the AI crypto space, like SingularityNET and its partners, are working on truly remarkable projects. New startups are promising to help drive the next generation of tech in AI, DeFi and traditional finance. For investors and market enthusiasts in the AI crypto space, the recent market volatility underscores the importance of looking beyond short-term data and focusing on the bigger picture. 

The AI revolution is here to stay, and no measure of short-or-medium term bearishness, or the outcome of any one single company or federal agency interaction will stop what is coming.

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Black Monday 2024: Why Did TradFi and Crypto Markets Crash?


The cryptocurrency sector had its usual sluggish performance during the summer, exacerbated with a catastrophic one-day collapse which swept across the entire global economy. Let’s analyze that crash and what has happened since.

The crash in August drew comparisons with 1987’s brutal Black Monday Wall Street crash, and took an especially heavy toll on tech stocks and crypto assets, often seen as high-risk high-reward investments. Markets have recovered in the month since, but talk of a recession still roams out there. 

Let’s take a look at what happened on the day, what happened since, and why it was so heavy. 

The Crash in Broad Strokes

On August 5, 2024, financial markets worldwide experienced significant turmoil. The Bank of Japan was the primary trigger for this abrupt downturn, announcing unexpected economic developments including a rate hike at the same time worrisome economic indicators emerged from the United States of America. The crash had widespread implications, affecting major indices, cryptocurrencies, and investor sentiment globally. (Credit: TradingView)

TradFi Markets 

S&P 500

The S&P 500 saw a sharp decline, dropping 3% on August 5: its worst single-day performance in two years. This drop extended a losing run that began weeks prior, influenced by fears of a weakening U.S. economy and overvalued tech stocks. Key factors included disappointing earnings reports from major corporations and broader economic concerns​.

Nasdaq Composite

The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite was hit particularly hard, falling more than 6% in early trading before recovering slightly to close down around 3%. This decline was driven by significant losses in major tech stocks, including Nvidia, Apple, and Microsoft. The combined market capitalization of the leading tech companies, often referred to as ‘The Magnificent Seven’, saw a massive dip, losing nearly $1 trillion intraday.

Crypto Markets

This turmoil spilled over into the crypto market, with Bitcoin plunging about 20% in just three days, from $67,000 to just above $49,000.  On August 5, the total crypto market capitalization plummeted by $314 billion: one of the most severe sell-offs in recent history. ETH fell 18% and other cryptocurrencies, such as Solana, were even harder hit, with Solana’s price falling over 30% since late July​. 

Aftermath: The Bounce

The immediate aftermath of the crash saw heightened volatility across all markets. The Cboe Volatility Index (VIX), which measures market volatility, spiked dramatically, peaking above 65 before settling at 38.6 by the end of the trading day, its highest closing level since 2020​. 

Since the crash we have seen a significant recovery, indicative of a resilient market with real interest. Bitcoin rebounded by over 20%, returning to around $60,000 where it sits now, as investors bought the dip and market confidence slowly returned. The broader crypto market also showed signs of recovery, as recession fears subsided when Japan vowed to not increase interest rates for the remainder of the year. 

Investor sentiment was heavily impacted, with the Crypto Fear & Greed Index dropping to “fear” territory.

Credit: CoinMarketCap

What Caused The Black Monday 2024 Crash?

Rate Hike in Japan causes Stock Drop Contagion

The Bank of Japan’s unexpected decision to raise interest rates was definitely a big catalyst. This move caused a surge in the yen’s value, causing yen carry trade to unwind – where investors borrow in yen to invest in higher-yielding assets elsewhere. The rate hike also heightened concerns about global economic stability, contributing to widespread market anxiety​. 

Japanese stocks declined and it spread to other markets, creating a domino effect as investors reacted to global market turmoil.

US Economy Concerns

In the USA, a few factors combined to bring market growth to an abrupt halt:

  • a disappointing jobs report exacerbated fears of an impending recession
  • The Sahm Rule recession indicator (which its creator later said was open to interpretation) was triggered and amplified fears. 
  • Weak economic data and the Federal Reserve’s anticipated rate cuts in September created a risk-off sentiment among investors: they sold off riskier assets, including stocks and cryptocurrencies​.
  • The Federal Reserve kept upping interest rates in an effort to combat inflation. This, coupled with signs of an economic slowdown, heightened investor concerns about a potential recession.

Global geopolitical tensions

Israel’s assassination of a senior Hamas leader in Iran was just the latest potential spark that could set off a broad regional war in the Middle East. Coupled with other conflicts such as in the Ukraine, markets are extremely jittery about geopolitics driving prices down even further. 

Concerns over AI market bubbles

Investors in AI leaders like Nvidia have been on the ride of their lives the last couple years, as they saw absolutely mouthwatering returns on investment. There were growing fears that certain sectors, particularly those related to artificial intelligence, had become overvalued and were due for a correction. This played out as expected. 

Crypto sell-offs spook markets

Jump Crypto’s significant selloff of Ethereum (ETH) played a crucial role in the market crash on August 5, 2024. This selloff was part of a broader liquidation strategy by the firm, which involved offloading hundreds of millions of dollars in assets. This large-scale liquidation exacerbated the already fragile market conditions, contributing to the sharp declines in cryptocurrency prices.

The firm, which is behind big crypto plays like Solana’s Firedancer consensus mechanism, Wormhole and Pyth Network, was slated on social media for apparently selling over the weekend prior to the crash. Speculation is that it is preparing a war chest for its legal battles with the SEC over its investment in the collapsed Terra Luna project. 

The liquidation of Bitcoin holdings by Mt. Gox creditors and rumors of the U.S. government moving its Bitcoin holdings​.

Portfolio insurance hedging strategies

Similar to the 1987 crash, the use of computer-based models to automatically buy or sell index futures based on market conditions may have accelerated the sell-off.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa


Crypto was invented at the end of the major 2008 recession, and since then it’s faced off against a pretty smooth TradFi market. This changed at the Covid-19 pandemic, which battered it at first, then made it soar to all time highs when stimulus money flooded into the space. 

Since then, crypto has struggled to deal with any sustained bearish macro-economic conditions, as we’ve seen with its reaction to the Fed’s interest rate hikes. You could argue that the most important dates each month are the CPI number reports and Fed FOMC meetings, where interest rate changes are announced. 

Analysts believe we’re not out of the woods, so keep a close eye on markets and de-risk where you can. We have seen the effects of uncertainty on the market when investors respond to economic data and to policy responses from central banks. The potential for further rate cuts by the Federal Reserve will keep affecting market stability in the immediate future, as will ongoing geopolitical tensions. 

The dramatic 5 August market crash once again drove home the interconnectedness of global financial systems and the sensitivity of markets to policy changes and economic indicators. 

The immediate losses were substantial, but recovery was quick and longer-term impacts depend on subsequent economic developments and policy responses. Investors remain cautious, with many seeking safer assets amid the heightened volatility and uncertainty. 

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