Biotech Breakthroughs: Unleashing the Power of Genetic Engineering, Engineered Life-Forms, and Biohacking


Genetic engineering, engineered life-forms, and biohacking are emerging at the cutting edge of biotechnology, offering unprecedented possibilities for improving human health, sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation, and transforming our understanding of life. In this article, we delve into the exciting world of biotech, exploring the concepts, applications, and implications of genetic engineering, engineered life-forms, and biohacking.

I. Genetic Engineering: Rewriting the Code of Life

Genetic engineering manipulates an organism’s DNA to introduce or modify specific traits. This technology allows scientists to directly alter the genetic blueprint of living organisms, transcending the boundaries of traditional breeding techniques. Through the use of tools such as CRISPR-Cas9, scientists can precisely edit genes with remarkable accuracy and efficiency. Genetic engineering has already made significant strides in various fields, including medicine, agriculture, and environmental remediation.

A. Medicine: From Curing Diseases to Personalized Therapies

Genetic engineering holds immense promise in the field of medicine. Scientists are developing innovative gene therapies that target genetic disorders at their root cause. This technology has the potential to transform the treatment of diseases like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and certain types of cancer. Genetic engineering can enable the production of valuable therapeutic proteins, such as insulin, human growth hormone, and clotting factors.

B. Agriculture: Enhancing Crop Yield and Nutrition

With a rapidly growing global population, genetic engineering offers solutions to improve crop yield, nutritional value, and resilience against pests, diseases, and environmental stressors. Genetically modified (GM) crops, engineered with traits like insect resistance and herbicide tolerance, have demonstrated enhanced productivity while reducing the need for harmful pesticides. Additionally, crops enriched with essential nutrients can combat malnutrition in resource-limited regions.

C. Environmental Conservation: Bioremediation and Conservation Efforts

Genetic engineering has the potential to aid environmental conservation by bioremediation—using living organisms to remove pollutants from soil, water, or air. Microorganisms can be engineered to degrade hazardous substances, such as oil spills or chemical pollutants, providing a sustainable approach to environmental cleanup. Furthermore, scientists are exploring genetic engineering techniques to protect endangered species and restore damaged ecosystems.

II. Engineered Life-Forms: Redefining the Boundaries of Life

Synthetic biology involves designing and constructing novel biological systems to perform specific tasks. This emerging field combines principles from biology, engineering, and computer science to create artificial life-forms with customized functions.

A. Biomanufacturing: Designing Microbes for Industrial Production

Engineered life-forms have revolutionized the industrial processes that make valuable chemicals, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals. By modifying microbial genomes, scientists can optimize metabolic pathways, enabling organisms to efficiently convert renewable resources into desired products. This approach offers sustainable alternatives to traditional manufacturing methods, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing environmental impact.

B. Biosensors: Harnessing Living Systems for Sensing Applications

Biosensors are an exciting application of engineered life-forms that integrate genetic circuits into living organisms, and can detect specific molecules or environmental conditions. These biosensors have diverse applications, including environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics, and food safety. Engineered bacteria, for instance, can be designed to change color in the presence of pollutants, enabling rapid and cost-effective detection.

III. Biohacking: Empowering Individuals to Explore and Innovate

Biohacking represents a grassroots movement to explore and experiment with biological systems outside traditional scientific institutions. Biohackers employ DIY biology, citizen science and open-source collaboration to push the boundaries of biotechnology.

A. Personalized Medicine: Navigating Health through Self-Experimentation

Biohackers are actively engaged in exploring personalized medicine, striving to understand their own bodies and optimize their health. Through self-experimentation and the analysis of biological data, individuals can gain insights into their genetic makeup, microbiome composition, and lifestyle factors. This knowledge can inform personalized interventions, such as customized diets, targeted supplements, and lifestyle modifications leading to improved well-being.

B. Community-driven Innovation: Democratising Biotechnology

A core principle of biohacking is democratization of biotechnology. Biohacker spaces, known as community labs or biohacker labs, provide accessible facilities and resources for people to experiment, learn, and collaborate. These spaces create a community where people share knowledge, develop skills, and solve problems collectively. By breaking down barriers to entry, biohacking encourages diverse thinking and promotes innovation from unexpected sources.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

Ethical Considerations and Regulation

While the advancements in genetic engineering, engineered life-forms, and biohacking offer tremendous potential, they also raise important ethical considerations and challenges.

1. Responsible Use: Balancing Innovation and Safety

As we continue to push the boundaries of biotechnology, it is crucial to ensure responsible and ethical practices. Safeguards must be in place to minimize potential risks, such as unintended environmental consequences or unforeseen health impacts. Regulation needs to balance freedom to innovate with public safety, requiring ongoing dialogue between scientists, policymakers, and society at large.

2. Socioeconomic Implications: Addressing Access and Equity

The potential benefits of biotechnology should be accessible to all, irrespective of socioeconomic status. Efforts should be made to ensure that advancements in genetic engineering, engineered life-forms, and biohacking do not exacerbate existing societal inequalities. Encouraging open access to knowledge, fostering collaboration, and addressing affordability are essential for equitable distribution of biotech benefits.


Biotechnology, including genetic engineering, engineered life-forms, and biohacking, has transformed our understanding of life and opened up exciting possibilities for diverse fields ranging from medicine and agriculture to environmental conservation. These cutting-edge disciplines have the potential to revolutionize industries, improve human health, and address pressing global challenges. However, as we harness the power of biotechnology, it is essential to navigate the ethical considerations, foster responsible innovation, and ensure equitable access, thereby maximizing the benefits for individuals, society, and the planet as a whole.

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The peculiar synergy of Blockchain, AI, and IoT for an intelligent future 

The basic principles and philosophy of Blockchain, AI, and IoT 

The Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that records transactions in a secure manner and maintains the integrity of data. It facilitates transactions between peers without the need for a trusted third party – thereby removing the need for intermediaries and lowering transaction costs. (Pilkington 2016) 1Pilkington, Marc. 2016. Blockchain Technology: Principles and Applications. Edited by Xavier F. Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu. N.p.: F. Xavier Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu. 

The term Artificial Intelligence – AI – refers to computers and software that are able to learn, reason, and carry out activities that would normally require human intellect. (Copeland 1998) 2Copeland, BJ. 1998. “Artificial intelligence (AI) | Definition, Examples, Types, Applications, Companies, & Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica.

The Internet of Things – IoT – refers to commonplace hardware objects connected to the internet. This gives the devices the ability to gather and share data, which ultimately results in improved productivity and usability. (Rouse 2020)3Rouse, Margaret. 2020. “What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? – Definition from Techopedia.” Techopedia.

The potential for significant advancements in a variety of fields is becoming obvious as science continues its fast evolution. Technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are at the forefront of innovation. (Credit: Marian Esco)

IoTs gather, Blockchain stores, AI processes 

IoT devices collect data from their surroundings and then transfer it to a digital world where Blockchain technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things are all intertwined. 

This information is safely stored on the Blockchain, which protects it from being altered and guarantees its legitimacy. 

Then, AI systems access and process the data, using it to enhance current practices, create brand-new hypotheses, and unearth previously unknown information. 

The ways in which we collect, store, and make use of data have been revolutionized by IoT devices. Integrating these devices with Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence can open up even more opportunities. IoT devices produce massive volumes of data by collecting information from the world around them. This data can then be evaluated and used for a broad variety of applications because of its versatility. 

Blockchain technology guarantees that this data will be preserved safely – therefore establishing its veracity and dependability. The Blockchain – which functions as a decentralized digital ledger – offers users a platform that is both open and reliable for the storage and exchange of data. Because of this, people, corporations, and other types of organizations may feel certain that the data they rely on is accurate and has not been tampered with in any way. 

After the information has been safely stored on the Blockchain, AI systems will be able to access it and study it using advanced methods and algorithms. These systems can find trends, make predictions, and find insights that human experts might have missed because they only have one point of view. By combining data from many different sources and analyzing it in real-time, AI systems can give useful insights that can help people make decisions, improve business processes, and even create completely new goods and services. This can be done by looking at the data as it is being collected. 

The three cutting-edge technologies are all converging to change the data cycle. By using these technologies in unison, businesses and individuals may be able to learn more about their surroundings and make more informed decisions. There is a significant amount of space for innovation and growth, and the potential outcomes are almost unbounded. 

Why IoT – is it really needed and viable? 

The Internet of Things is essential in the modern world because it enables greater levels of automation, efficiency, and connectedness. IoT technology will become more commercially feasible and efficient as the number of linked devices continues to increase. It is quickly becoming an essential component of the ongoing technological transformation in many different fields and facets of everyday life. (“What is IoT: The Internet of Things explained” 2022)4“What is IoT: The Internet of Things explained.” 2022. McKinsey. -of-things.

The human-machine connection 

There has been tremendous growth in the interaction between humans and machines throughout history. Tools used by hand and other basic mechanical devices date back to this time period. Powerful AI algorithms can now understand and respond to human emotions, and Internet of Things devices can now monitor and enhance our daily lives. 

The foundations of this connection are built on the symbiotic interaction between humans and technology, in which machines increase our capabilities and improve our lives, and in which humans, in turn, invent and refine these technologies. (Floridi 2019)5Floridi, Luciano. 2019. “The Logic of Information – Luciano Floridi.” Oxford University Press. =us&lang=en#.  

The divide between man and machine continues to narrow as research in this area advances. Technology’s pervasive presence in our lives has made it easy to take it for granted. From smartphones to autonomous vehicles, technology has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. Nevertheless, with such interdependence come serious ethical and cultural concerns – such as how automation will affect jobs and whether or not technology will be utilized for evil. (Morozov 2019)6Morozov, Evgeny. 2019. “Evgeny Morozov, Digital Socialism?, NLR 116/117, March–June 2019.” New Left Review.  

It is essential that we weigh the consequences of our choices as we move through this dynamic environment. 

Automated efficiency and control

Automated efficiency is crucial for a variety of reasons. It encourages greater productivity, which allows individuals and organizations to do more with the same amount of resources. It might also lead to significant savings, which would free up funds for investment 

in development and innovation. Automation has the ability to improve the quality of life by freeing us from mundane tasks so that we may devote more time to those who matter most to us. 

The combination of the three technologies has the potential to one day enable the automation of many aspects of our lives, ranging from our modes of transportation to our medical care. Blockchain technology provides a transparent, distributed ledger that protects data from being tampered with, which may help ease concerns about centralization and trust. These technologies will always be under the control of humans, who will guide their development and choose how they should be used ethically. 

AI practical applications in IoT 

Artificial Intelligence has numerous practical applications in the IoT field, such as predictive maintenance for machinery, optimizing energy consumption in smart homes, or even improving traffic flow in cities. AI can analyze vast amounts of IoT-generated data to identify patterns, make predictions, and provide actionable insights, leading to increased efficiency and improved decision-making. 

It can be used to analyze data from sensors in manufacturing plants to predict when equipment is likely to fail, allowing for preventative maintenance and reducing costly downtime. Additionally, AI can optimize production schedules based on real-time data, improving overall productivity and efficiency. 

Another example could be how AI can analyze data from smart homes to optimize energy consumption by adjusting heating and cooling systems based on occupancy patterns and weather forecasts. This can lead to cost savings for homeowners and a reduction in energy consumption overall, contributing to sustainability efforts. 

It can also be used in healthcare, where wearable devices and other IoT sensors can collect vast amounts of data about patients’ health and wellness. By analyzing this data, AI algorithms can identify patterns and make predictions about potential health issues before they become serious. This can lead to early intervention, better treatment outcomes, and reduced healthcare costs. It can help healthcare providers make more informed decisions by providing personalized treatment recommendations based on a patient’s unique health data. 

AI algorithms can be designed to only access and use necessary data while keeping other sensitive information confidential.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

Blockchain decentralized networks creation – identity, access, and ownership 

Secure and transparent data sharing among IoT devices is possible thanks to Blockchain technology, which can be used to create decentralized networks for these devices. It can aid in managing device identity, access, and ownership, which helps to prevent unauthorized access and guarantees that users retain ownership of their data. This makes Blockchain a promising solution for the security and privacy concerns surrounding IoT devices. By utilizing this technology, users can have more control over their data and ensure that it is being shared securely and ethically. 

For example, a smart home network could use Blockchain technology to securely share data between devices such as security cameras, door locks, and thermostats. The Blockchain would ensure that only authorized devices have access to the data – and that the owner of the smart home retains full ownership and control over their data. 

This method, however, is not without its drawbacks. There is potential for increasing carbon emissions and environmental problems due to the high power consumption needed to run a Blockchain network for Internet of Things devices. It’s also possible that Blockchain’s complexity may discourage its use by those who aren’t very computer knowledgeable or by smaller enterprises with fewer resources. (Xu, Xiang, and Zhao 2020)7Xu, Jie, Yan Xiang, and Shuai Zhao. 2020. “Blockchain-Based Secure and Sustainable Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey.” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 

Society’s impact of IoT, Blockchain, and AI optimization 

The convergence of IoT, Blockchain technology, and AI presents several prospects for beneficial growth, but these innovations must be addressed with prudence. It’s important to use cutting-edge innovation in ways that benefit society and get us closer to achieving sustainable growth. Ethics are a prerequisite. It’s the only way to make the most of these technologies and guarantee a brighter future for all of humanity. (Bostrom 2014)8Bostrom, Nick. 2014. “Superintelligence – Hardcover – Nick Bostrom.” Oxford University Press. ang=en&. 

The technologies looked at in this article could make things even worse than they are now. Those who have access to the data generated by the growing number of devices connected to the Internet of Things will have a big advantage. If Blockchain and AI aren’t used well, wealth inequality could get worse. Ethics say that everyone should have the right to their own privacy. As more devices connect to the internet, privacy is at greater risk. Using Blockchain technology, data can be stored and managed in a decentralized and safe way – but privacy and security must be given extra attention during development. 

From a philosophical point of view, these changes could make it harder for people to be free and unique. The possibility that AI systems could make decisions instead of people raises concerns about the loss of human freedom. When making these tools, people and their uniqueness must be taken into account. 

In conclusion, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence all offer huge opportunities for growth and innovation, but they must be handled with care and respect. We can make a better, more sustainable future by putting society’s needs first and making sure these technologies are useful for everyone. 

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  • 1
    Pilkington, Marc. 2016. Blockchain Technology: Principles and Applications. Edited by Xavier F. Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu. N.p.: F. Xavier Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu. 
  • 2
    Copeland, BJ. 1998. “Artificial intelligence (AI) | Definition, Examples, Types, Applications, Companies, & Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • 3
    Rouse, Margaret. 2020. “What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? – Definition from Techopedia.” Techopedia.
  • 4
    “What is IoT: The Internet of Things explained.” 2022. McKinsey. -of-things.
  • 5
    Floridi, Luciano. 2019. “The Logic of Information – Luciano Floridi.” Oxford University Press. =us&lang=en#. 
  • 6
    Morozov, Evgeny. 2019. “Evgeny Morozov, Digital Socialism?, NLR 116/117, March–June 2019.” New Left Review.
  • 7
    Xu, Jie, Yan Xiang, and Shuai Zhao. 2020. “Blockchain-Based Secure and Sustainable Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey.” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
  • 8
    Bostrom, Nick. 2014. “Superintelligence – Hardcover – Nick Bostrom.” Oxford University Press. ang=en&. 

The Future is here: Unlocking the power of AI and Blockchain

As an AI enthusiast, I am excited to witness the intersection of two revolutionary technologies: AI and Blockchain. The potential of these two technologies combined is enormous, and it is only a matter of time before they completely upend the current economy. In this article, I will discuss the basics of Blockchain and AI and how they intersect. I will also explore the benefits, challenges, and future possibilities of these technologies.

Understanding the basics of Blockchain technology

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows for secure and transparent transactions. It is a decentralized database that records transactions in a way that is tamper-proof and resistant to hacking. Each block in the chain contains a record of transactions, and once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered. Blockchain technology is the backbone of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

One of the key features of Blockchain technology is its decentralization. This means that there is no central authority controlling the network, and all transactions are verified by a network of nodes. This makes Blockchain technology more secure than traditional centralized systems.

Another key feature of Blockchain technology is its transparency. Anyone can view the transactions on the Blockchain, but the identity of the parties involved in the transactions is kept anonymous. This makes Blockchain technology ideal for applications that require transparency and security, such as supply chain management, voting systems, and financial transactions.

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it work?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to learn and perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. AI systems use algorithms and statistical models to analyze data and make decisions. Machine learning, a subset of AI, involves teaching machines to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed.

AI systems can be trained to recognize patterns, make predictions, and perform complex tasks. They can also be integrated with other technologies, such as natural language processing and computer vision, to create more advanced applications.

The intersection of Blockchain and AI

The intersection of Blockchain and AI is a natural fit, as both technologies share some common characteristics, such as decentralization and transparency. Blockchain technology can be used to securely store and share data, while AI can be used to analyze and make sense of that data.

One of the key benefits of combining Blockchain and AI is the ability to create more secure and transparent systems. For example, Blockchain technology can be used to create a tamper-proof ledger of medical records, while AI can be used to analyze that data to identify trends and make predictions.

Another benefit of combining Blockchain and AI is the ability to create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). DAOs are organizations that run on Blockchain technology and are controlled by smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. AI can be used to create more intelligent and autonomous smart contracts, which can help to reduce the need for human intervention.

Benefits of combining Blockchain and AI upending on the current economy

The combination of Blockchain and AI has the potential to completely upend the current economy. Here are some of the key benefits of this combination:

  • Increased transparency and security: Blockchain technology can be used to create more secure and transparent systems, while AI can be used to analyze and make sense of the data stored on the Blockchain.
  • Decentralized autonomous organizations: DAOs can be created using Blockchain technology and controlled by smart contracts. AI can be used to create more intelligent and autonomous smart contracts, which can help to reduce the need for human intervention.
  • Improved supply chain management: Blockchain technology can be used to create a tamper-proof ledger of supply chain transactions, while AI can be used to analyze that data to identify inefficiencies and improve the supply chain.
  • More personalized experiences: AI can be used to analyze data stored on the Blockchain to create more personalized experiences for customers.
  • Reduced costs: The combination of Blockchain and AI can help to reduce costs by eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the need for human intervention.

Out-of-the-Mainstream practical applications of Blockchain and AI

The potential applications of Blockchain and AI are vast and diverse. Here are some out-of-the-mainstream practical applications of these technologies:

  • Blockchain and AI can be used to create more sustainable supply chains by tracking the environmental impact of products throughout their lifecycle.
  • Blockchain and AI can be used to create more efficient and secure voting systems, by creating a tamper-proof ledger of votes and using AI to analyze the data.
  • Blockchain and AI can be used to create more secure and efficient refugee identification systems, by creating a tamper-proof ledger of refugee data and using AI to verify identities.
  • Blockchain and AI can be used to create more secure and efficient land registry systems, by creating a tamper-proof ledger of land ownership and using AI to verify ownership.

Challenges and limitations of Blockchain and AI integration

While the combination of Blockchain and AI has enormous potential, there are also some challenges and limitations that need to be addressed. Here are some of the key challenges and limitations:

  • Scalability: Blockchain technology can be slow and expensive to scale, which can limit the ability to handle large amounts of data.
  • Regulatory concerns: The combination of Blockchain and AI is a relatively new field, and there is a need for regulatory frameworks to ensure that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly.

Future possibilities of Blockchain and AI

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

The future possibilities of Blockchain and AI are vast and exciting. Here are some of the key possibilities:

  • Smart cities: Blockchain and AI can be used to create more efficient and sustainable cities by tracking data on energy consumption, traffic flows, and public services.
  • Autonomous vehicles: Blockchain and AI can be used to create more secure and efficient autonomous vehicles by creating a tamper-proof ledger of vehicle data and using AI to analyze that data.
  • Healthcare: Blockchain and AI can be used to create more efficient and personalized healthcare systems by creating a tamper-proof ledger of medical records and using AI to analyze that data.
  • Education: Blockchain and AI can be used to create more personalized and efficient education systems by creating a tamper-proof ledger of student data and using AI to analyze that data.

How businesses can benefit from the combination of Blockchain and AI

Businesses can benefit from the combination of Blockchain and AI in several ways:

  • Increased efficiency: Blockchain and AI can help to automate and streamline business processes, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Improved customer experiences: AI can be used to analyze data stored on the Blockchain to create more personalized experiences for customers.
  • More secure transactions: Blockchain technology can be used to create more secure and transparent transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and improving trust between parties.
  • Cost savings: The combination of Blockchain and AI can help to reduce costs by eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the need for human intervention.

Risks of Blockchain and AI integration

As with any new technology, there are risks associated with the integration of Blockchain and AI. Here are some of the key risks:

  • Security: While Blockchain technology is more secure than traditional centralized systems, it is not completely foolproof. AI can be used to identify vulnerabilities and exploit them.
  • Privacy: While Blockchain technology is anonymous, it is not completely private. AI can be used to analyze the data stored on the Blockchain to identify patterns and make predictions.
  • Ethical concerns: AI can be used to create systems that discriminate against certain groups of people, or that are used for unethical purposes.

Ethical concerns and regulations in Blockchain and AI

The combination of Blockchain and AI raises several ethical concerns that need to be addressed. Here are some of the key concerns:

  • Bias and discrimination: AI systems can be biased against certain groups of people, such as minorities or women. This can lead to discrimination and unfair treatment.
  • Transparency: While Blockchain technology is transparent, it can also be used to create systems that lack transparency. This can lead to unethical practices and abuses of power.
  • Accountability: The decentralized nature of Blockchain technology can make it difficult to hold individuals or organizations accountable for their actions.
  • Regulation: There is a need for regulatory frameworks to ensure that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly. This can include regulations around data privacy, transparency, and accountability.

The future of technology is Blockchain and AI

The combination of Blockchain and AI has the potential to completely upend the current economy, creating more efficient, secure, and transparent systems. While there are challenges and limitations that need to be addressed, the future possibilities of these technologies are vast and exciting. Businesses and governments must work together to ensure that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly, and that they benefit everyone, not just a select few. The future of technology is here, and it is up to us to embrace it and shape it for the better.

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Meaningful Mental Capital

Meaningful participation

It is not difficult to get people’s attention, but it is difficult to get their meaningful attention. This article describes a collection of steps that aim to facilitate universal value generative participation through impactful interdependent contributions to common processes. We all have ideas, preferences, views, opinions, insights, dreams, and the wisdom that grandparents pass down to their children and grandchildren over generations. However, much of this remains unexercised and never realizes its true value. People usually deploy their mental capital in their day jobs as well as in their private lives. The former is limited by its substance or topic, while the latter is limited in scale. It is difficult to provide the full potential of a person’s knowledge for the benefit of everyone. Facilitating this would be of great value, given that the nature of disruptive technologies depends on the values of their contributors.

Every one of us has both real information and noise. Collectively, when we put many people or viewpoints together, noise cancels out due to its randomness, leaving only real information. That’s why the wisdom of crowds is so effective. Diversity is something that everyone can contribute to, no matter who you are, what your background is, or what skills you have. The more independent decision-makers and problem solvers we have, the more functional outcomes we get. Thus, it is worthwhile to research how to make this more attainable for people and accelerate the flow of information. As technologies become more powerful day by day, it is crucial to have a diverse set of inputs from everyone going into these emerging systems. But how can we make that happen?

When a new level of intelligence arises, how can we ensure that it is a comprehensive continuation of the intelligence of the previous level – the level that comprises all of us? How can we get people to share their thoughts and then build those thoughts into systems? How can we incentivize and choose wisely the correct pieces for the correct puzzles? One should ask how to let people invest not only their financial capital but also their mental capital. Let’s start by bootstrapping from something we already have: the current financial system – the only serious decision-making resource in existence at scale. We can gradually expand investment opportunities all the way into micro-businesses and further into individual actions.

If preferences and ideas can be channeled into building financial investment decisions, all that mental work becomes comprehensively utilizable. This leads people to begin participating in a meaningful way and rewards rational thinking instead of rational ignorance. To make this possible, it requires a radical expansion of the potential investment space, which starts by removing artificial restrictions blocking access to global markets.

Data problem

The internet, as an open protocol, made it possible to move information instantly around the world. However, universally verifying claims about the information has been a difficult challenge. Therefore, it has not been possible to digitize property without a trusted party. Nevertheless, the rapid rise of information technology and digitalization created enormous amounts of valuable substance in a short period of time. That substance is information or data.

All the data has ended up with service providers as bulk matter. There has not been a chance to trustlessly combine all the data nor ways to track the contributions of each piece of data. Due to the history of the internet, there has not even been an identity system to make claims or verifications about data across environments. To make value out of data, you must analyze it, and to analyze it, you have to combine it. To identify individual contributions coming from different sources and services, you have to have an identity system. So without an identity system, all the data remains and accumulates in large silos, cross-contributions of individuals are not identified, and you either accept to completely give away your data to a few service providers or be left without any services. A piece of data has not been an asset but a pile of data has. One can’t negotiate about the price/conditions of a piece of data so one can’t negotiate about the price/conditions of the service either. Both are free and the business model moves elsewhere with devastating consequences. Any brainpower in data generation has sunk into the mass of information and therefore there have not been any benefits of investing in generating the highest value data. Mental work is not rewarded. Preferences of people don’t become part of new products and services. Instead, the services consume the weaknesses of people by disempowering them. Any mental work you do often gets used against you.

If people are not shaping the future of services then who is? Who decides which endeavors will see daylight? Currently, it is a very small group of people who control initial financial investment decisions. This mental capital through primary investments is controlled by a few business/investment managers and VC operators. For everyday people, the investment options are mostly a bank’s few mutual funds or stocks of big companies. The public investment space has been narrowing for a reason. The reason is to protect people from uncertainty. Uncertain decision-making from a diverse set of opportunities rewards thinking and thinking people are difficult to control. Maintaining hierarchical social structure has required increasing regulation as the market mechanism has removed natural restriction with accelerating pace.

Programmable decentralized infrastructure

Since ancient times, markets have continued taking up space from hierarchies as a decision-making mechanism. Great centrally governed empires have always broken down into smaller units and toward more federated systems. The golden era of mega-corporations was in the 1950s, after which sizes and lifespans of companies have shrunk significantly. More and more economic activity and value channels through small businesses. At the same time, the costs of being a listed publicly-traded company have increased dramatically, and the number of listed companies has gone down. Investment options for the crowds kept diminishing until the emergence of suitable trustless infrastructure: the internet of verifiable information.

The rise of new decentralized open protocols has changed the game once again, and markets eat the power of hierarchies faster than ever. Tremendous growth in the number of digital assets in recent years offered investors brand new opportunities to deploy their capital. The infrastructures that enable making basically any forms of value tradable units, at negligible cost, have already created whole new asset classes into the economy. The size or location of the company, business, commodity, or any economic entity are not anymore the determinants of whether the value can be freely traded in public. Similarly, one can now truly own one’s digital identity and present oneself on different circumstances and platforms. Many people who have previously been excluded from financial markets for technological, political, or informational reasons are now gaining access to the global financial system. All this has also opened a whole new world of investment opportunities for everyday people.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

Mental capital investments arise

Investing, at its purest, is telling how resources ought to be allocated and what choices to make. Everyone has great views on these questions, but how to give proper weights to those ideas? What is the way to take responsibility for ideas and then collectively come up with eventual choices? How do you truly own your choices and have skin in the game? Having investable assets corresponding to these views and ideas makes it possible. Naturally, the most obvious form currently is a financial investment. And with our new programmable decentralized infrastructure, it is all increasingly real.

When a single investment can determine whether some idea becomes reality, investing begins to look a lot more like problem-solving instead of predicting. One is not anymore investing in how one would bet the world is going to be, but in how one would like the world to be. That makes it rewarding to think, rewarding to write, rewarding to be intellectually honest and participate. That could mean, for example, reading, learning, taking notes, building knowledge graphs, having meaningful conversations with people, and trying to understand multiple perspectives. You begin finding your worldviews more impactful. You start feeling more empowered with your ideas.

Regarding the investment process itself, there is an increasing amount of randomness in the outcomes of individual investments, especially when all that happens at scale. Individual innovations regularly disrupt all the legacy solutions. Investment approaches for controlling single event dominance and other tail events become powerful. With exploding token space, asset classes become much less well-defined. One can invest in startups, ideas, and pieces of data. Being able to own pretty much anything asks for toolsets to utilize mountains of information in a reliable way.

Investment twins

The explosion of all kinds of investment opportunities results in a question about how to process all that information. That’s the case, especially when we are talking about people who have zero interest in that kind of activity. People often say that they understand nothing about investing, so it is very difficult to make investment decisions. Knowing about investing to be able to invest should not be required. It should be enough to know something about anything. And that is something that people do. They have plenty of knowledge. This knowledge may be expressed explicitly or implicitly in everyday actions.

The digital footprint, data from life, can be consumed not only by external parties but also by the person him/herself. That means a digital preference learner which performs investment operations on behalf of you. AI assistants or digital twins are increasingly common in several subject areas, and there are definitely resources and momentum behind this technology. One can focus on learning substances and recording them in any form without having a need to manually scrape through the tremendously large investment space. The system doesn’t need to be anyhow perfect for being able to function purposefully. It learns by doing.

All of the above takes us quite far along in empowering individuals to make a difference. It enables a great impact on the development of the world around us. However, it is still restricted by the simple one-dimensional information systems. Traditional business logics are still required to get ahead in competition. But with these tools, one is ready to dive deeper to catch finer details of value and choice.

Information systems enabling new asset classes

The value of traditional assets is based on its property of generating financial income or direct practical utility. On the other hand, sometimes the value of an asset may be pure information value, as in cases of some collectibles. By applying this logic to valuing choice in general, one doesn’t need to build any money-earning mechanism to do something useful.

When the price of having evidence and making independent measurements and valuations is less than building an earning mechanism, then it is the way to go. With many actions, having money-based business logic is outright impossible. So far, these actions have naturally been outside the scope of any serious investment markets. In addition to verifiable information, the main issue here has been making impact measurements and valuations. However, scalable automation changes the picture.

It is paradoxical that sometimes people don’t speak out their thoughts and ideas in fear that someone ‘steals’ them. But when you can have timestamped permanent proofs of your contributions, these insightful views can be confidently valued due and according to their informational content. You don’t benefit only from finding investable assets corresponding to your ideas. Those ideas themselves become ones. Similar logic applies to opportunities for evaluating agents’ capabilities in different situations. Showing your personal value in specific tasks, as well as rating positively truly valuable contributions, become highly incentivized. When manual processing by humans is not anymore the bottleneck of information utilization, the investment opportunities are not anymore limited by simplified information systems and traditional business logics. Not only anything is investable, but anything is investing.


There is a demand for meaningful participation. There is a demand for having crowds of independent people to deeply think for themselves and share their insights, views, and desires with the world. There is a demand for empowering each other to make sense of all the valuable contributions and deploying them for the benefit of everyone. Once there is all that mental capital baked into AI twins who process and evaluate surrounding information, help with individual biases, and evolve in action, much has been achieved.

Firstly, through investment decisions, people’s wisdom and preferences begin to flow into new products and services. Secondly, people are training digital versions of themselves which make their values built into emerging AGI systems. Thirdly, the language and interpretation barriers between individuals get removed as machines learn individual interpretations of words and actions. It leads to increased understanding of each other, more purposeful discussions among people, and more meaningfulness in participation.

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Take the Notepad, Take the Pencil, and Take the Keyboard, Just Don’t Touch My Coffee: The Future of Writing and Creative Contents in the Age of AIs

When did the world enter the age of AI? Was it in 1956: through the gates of Dartmouth College? Was it in 1996: when IBM’s Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov? Or was it in March 2023: when the world got scared of GPT-4 and started to pause or ban AI developments? We might even be in it since the beginning of time; despite its lack of falsifiability, the Simulation Hypothesis gives a 50% chance to the fancy idea that we live in an AI-simulated world.

What matters is not the ‘when’ but the ‘how’: how to live in the new age? A new age means lots of changes. Unfortunately, despite our claim to be a species that builds complex systems, handling changes is not our strong suit. Handling the truth isn’t either.

The AIs are coming, and they are coming strong! Many walks of life will be affected. For now, l will stick with the recent developments in the content-generating industry (writers, illustrators, designers etc.)

Recently, a Life Wire’s senior reporter quoted me in an article about generative AI. The reporter asked me to reflect on three questions (we’ll get to them), but unfortunately, only quoted one of my scenarios – the controversial one. 

A couple of weeks later, I was contacted by another media outlet to comment on what people in creative professions should do to mitigate the impact of AI. AI is going to change their careers. Are there any steps they should take now to reduce the risks?

They don’t seem to have published my comment: perhaps it wasn’t controversial enough for today’s media trend. 

Anyway, I am sharing my full comment here and hope to receive your outrage. What writer doesn’t love a little attention? 

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

The reporter’s three questions were:

  1. Why are writers using chatbots to publish writing?
  2. What are the pros and cons for readers of this approach?
  3. Will AI supplant human writers?

My comment:

Why are writers using chatbots to publish writing? Three explanations can answer the question. The first is the ‘laziness’ answer: “authors” use chatbots as a shortcut to avoid work. Explanation two is about recent breakthroughs in the field of AI, which have brought very powerful and reliable chatbots that can generate content with human-like quality. Explanation number three is controversial: the grimmer possibility is that writing standards are decreasing as readers’ attention spans get shorter and video becomes more prevalent. Even the writing in recent TV and movies sucks; a semi-intelligent ape can write a better script while fighting a lion, so sue me!

What are the pros and cons for readers of AIs generating content?: If the cause is lazy writers, there are no pros – it’s cons all the way down to the last tortoise! Readers are getting information that is created with slapdash research, shallow at best, and misleading at worst.

If it’s scenario number two (chatbots with human-like quality), then the cons are temporary: readers will put up with a lack of depth, intuition, and the human touch that can stir their souls until the technology moves beyond the current era. On the other hand, the pros in the same short period will mainly be the speed of information generation. The readers can and will get content quickly. 

During this period, the world should consider adding two key features for chatbots or content-generating AIs. 1) Transparency markers that will clearly identify the content as generated by AI, and 2) reputation markers which can enable the readers to teach and reshape the AIs. Perhaps, Let me add a bonus and say, 3) let the readers control their recommendation parameters and own the content ranking model.

The long-term pros will be accuracy, breadth, detail, and impartiality, as the chatbots learn to accurately digest and process facts before sharing their content.

If the case is scenario number three (readers are lowering their standards), there are no pros and cons; these will lead us into uncharted territory and might fundamentally change the nature of writing.

Will AI supplant human writers? Again, the answer depends on the scenarios. If the writers are getting lazy, AI will supplant humans. If the chatbots are getting better (better here means true AI that understands the concept), there is a reasonable ground to say yes, AI will replace human writers. If readers are getting dumber, we will get to a point where we can’t comprehend the difference because we are too ignorant to identify good writing from bad. If that is the case, asking, “Which is better?” will be out of the question.

Another possibility is that we might end up in a world where we can’t even compare the two (human vs AI writers). Why? Well, it is all about culture and the collective psyche: what is a great writer? One who creates a culture and a trend! If AI can find its way and create a different and unique culture and attitude (hopefully a generally good one), we will have no reason to not go with the new flow.

What about the other question: what should people involved in creative professions do to mitigate the impact of AI? Ah, where is this damn GPT-4? I am getting tired, and why can’t it fill this in for me? Do you guys know the owners of ChatGPT, in their absolute wisdom, have made sure the majority of Africans are blocked from all and every access to their troublemaker Chat GPT-4? Yep, we can’t access it. If I tell you what their platform tells us when we try to access it via an African IP address, I will have to clean my keyboard. It is dirty!

Credit: Tesfu Assefa

So what can creative people do, especially the novice ones that are starting their creative careers? I am so tempted to say ‘pray’! Ironically, surrendering is the best defense: work with the new AIs! Start mastering the AI tools today. Creative professions are creative mixing. Learn and master mixing the AI with the human touch. 

The future will see the rise of more powerful, and more human-like, AI tools that will undoubtedly match or even surpass humans’ output in creative professions. Moreover, access to these tools will be easier and more widespread: this will decrease the demand for jobs. Mass unemployment in the industry is an inevitable fate hidden in the light of progress! 

Yet, on the plus side, when these tools become accessible to the average Joe like me, creative art will stagnate: a mediocre work will be the new masterpiece. Why is this a plus? After a coffee break, I am counting three reasons. 

As the adage goes, Know thy enemy and know yourself. Those in creative professions today should begin working with AI tools to secure their positions in the future. It is futile to fight against the adoption of AI, and mastering these tools will enable real talented professionals to set the standards and maintain quality in their field, preventing creative stagnation and mediocrity. Yep, I am back after the coffee.

Soon or even sooner, AI will evolve into AGI. That is the game-over point: there will be no question of competing with them. However, during the transition, it is crucial to prepare for potential threats of mass unemployment, inequality, and other existential crises. 

I will make the recommendation for the preparation in the transition period short. If you remember, I told you that you can’t handle the truth. Well, handle it before it handles you! Our current value system must go away: a system that creates financial inequality is a system that creates monsters! Our value system is poisoned: if the future AGI destroys you, the present me says the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! 

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education

For the last 100+ years, our education system has functioned without much innovation! It is mostly centered around a curriculum conveyed by direct instruction from a teacher who may or may not be effective, and with class sizes that are not conducive to one-on-one assistance. In a diverse environment where students require differentiated instruction based on their learning styles, this model is subpar.

In the last 30 years, the only innovations have been in the technology used to view content. For instance, we went from overhead projectors to digital projectors, and outlines are conveyed through PowerPoint-style slides. Graphic design, videography, and photography have upgraded to digital and Adobe-type programs. Yearbooks are now designed online, and grading is done via apps like PowerSchool. Google has created many educational tools for teachers to utilize, such as Slides, Sites, and the ability to create tutorial videos on YouTube that can be translated into most languages.

Given all of these tools, the structure of classes is still the same: one teacher delivering instruction to 35+ students, usually verbally with visual aids. Even with all of these tools at our disposal, only a small handful of teachers are utilizing them to the fullest. In my experience, tutorial videos are the best new technology to augment instruction. Any student can stop, rewind, and translate any lesson without the anxiety of trying to follow a teacher’s instruction in real-time. Unfortunately, it takes work to create tutorial videos, and most teachers do not put in the effort.

Districts usually adopt curricula created by giants like Pearson and McGraw Hill, who profit hugely by new changes in federal and state standards. Each time the government changes educational standards, these curriculum giants hurry to create new textbooks and materials that align with the new standards. Districts then spend massive amounts of money to buy and adopt the curriculum so they are in compliance with the new standards. Districts then pay stipends to teachers who go over the materials and teach them to the rest of their staff. The vast majority of these new lessons get shelved by teachers who already have their preferred methods and don’t feel like adhering to the latest standard, knowing it will change in another 5 years.

In the midst of the current educational environment is the introduction of smartphones, social media, mobile games, and video. Each student has one of these devices that are solely designed to be useful and grab the attention of the user. Students in schools are struggling to pull their attention away from these devices, and apps are quickly becoming more and more addictive. Teachers are now having to compete with these devices for student attention. Lately, this has become a losing battle, and most teachers are not equipped with the curriculum design that can compete with the draw of these apps.

In the last several months, tools like Chat GPT and MidJourney have added another layer of complexity for educators. Students can now easily employ these tools to write papers as well as create visual content, both of which could be potential positives. These new AI tools are here to stay and will only become more advanced. My view is that schools need to find ways to integrate with them or they will become fossils. We are at an inflection point in the world of education, and districts don’t seem to be adapting at a reasonable rate.

AI’s Role in Education (Predictions & Ideas)

The same algorithms that learn the best ways to advertise and keep people glued to their screens could be employed for educational purposes. AI-designed educational tools can be created alongside learning algorithms that collect data to guide the most optimal way an individual learns—auditorily, visually, tactilely, or a combination. Psychological profiling question data can be utilized to pinpoint a student’s optimal learning strategy, and lessons could be catered to these strategies. The more a student engages, the smarter the AI becomes at optimizing and catering lessons to that individual.

At first, lessons will likely be created by humans, but eventually, AI systems will create curriculums and strategies that are superior to human-created lessons. In public districts, test scores are the measure of success, and schools are motivated by these numbers. If new systems raise test scores, they will be adopted as long as there is minimal responsibility on districts to begin with, and a narrative they can get behind.

COVID showed us that kids need a school environment for its social benefits, sports, and hands-on subjects like cooking, ceramics, photography, woodworking, 3D printing, laser cutting, and science experiments. AI learning tools with corresponding materials could take students step by step through the content. Teachers will merely be there to encourage, give one-on-one instruction, manage behaviors, and ensure safe environments. My hope is that school spirit, sports, social events, and academic competitions will endure alongside the AI curriculum systems.

I see two scenarios playing out: AI educational models that integrate into the existing system, and the creation of independent schooling models with their own accreditation that competes with existing schools.

In the beginning, teachers will be threatened by this new technology because it will question their relevance. Narratives will emerge attempting to discourage the adoption of them. Some parents will likely pull their kids out of school and homeschool them using this technology. Some innovative hybrid models could emerge. Maybe like ride-sharing, a group of 30 parents in a one-mile radius team up, and each parent takes turns hosting a teaching day at their house with all 30 students. There could also be incentives and mechanisms built into apps that foster meetups for academic competitions or think tanks for more social interaction. If schooling is better and cheaper, parents and students will adopt it.

Credit: Tesfu Assefa


Accreditation is one aspect that will be challenging and also key to the mass adoption of independent AI-based online schools. Presently, state and private schools, community colleges, and universities both online and physical have accreditations that everyone currently accepts as proof of a proficient education. The more students in a district, the more money the district gets, and those numbers are the most important thing in a school budget. Keeping students enrolled in the school is a main focus of administrators. Money flows from state funding in general education, and money for CTE (career and technical education) comes from the federal Perkins fund. (One side note is that as of this year, the federal Perkins fund money allocated to individual districts is dependent on the school districts adhering to their standards.) Once money is allocated to a district, it funnels to the individual schools based on enrollment numbers.

Accreditation for AI learning systems will be a next step in education and one of the hardest hurdles to jump because it could disrupt current educational models and enrollment numbers in public schools. People in charge of stamping new accreditations are likely connected to the current system and could be an unexpected barrier to entry. Social acceptance of these new schooling models will be very important, and marketing strategies towards this goal should be carefully considered.

If charter school status is obtained, it would give several options: In the public system, the state pays a specified amount to schools per student. If you have charter school status, you can take in public school students, and that money allocates to your school. Another potential option could be remote charter schools, which have the potential to absorb a great deal of the state money.

Gaming & Incentives

If education is to win the attention of students, there will need to be incentives that they value. Educational “play to earn” games as well as “learn to earn” systems have the potential to capture their attention. Tokenized systems designed by humans or AI models could be an effective tool in motivating students to engage in lessons, generating effort into competitive academic events, and building stronger social communities. One option is to create tokens that are redeemable as tuition units that they can spend on higher education. There could be a network of online schools with accreditation that accept these tokens as tuition. They will be incentivized to accept these tokens as tuition because students who take their courses will produce valuable data to optimize their own systems. They can also charge recruiting fees for companies.


Right now, schools are the incubators for professional sports. Why are schools not incubators for recruiting academic talent early? As a teacher, I could point out many students who are going to be highly successful in certain areas. If the AI systems can produce data sets that pinpoint ideal candidates for specific careers, companies could use it to recruit right out of high school. This would benefit both the student and the company. This system is another layer of incentive to motivate students and help them find the right path.

Minimizing Bureaucracy

Schools are bureaucracies to the core. Making changes in these systems is extremely difficult. To effectively integrate new technologies into existing systems, it is essential to create a long-term plan that introduces AI tools incrementally and deliberately. Minimizing bureaucracy in new educational models is an aspect that should be considered in new designs because it degrades systems over time. DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) in conjunction with smart contracts could be a viable solution for a decentralized schooling model that minimizes bureaucracy.

Education for citizens in any area is a key component of any successful population. The more educated it is, the more it thrives. Building a system that gathers data strategically for optimal curriculum creation and delivery, retains the attention of participants, motivates and incentivizes learning, fosters social interaction, and has a built-in pipeline connecting talents with careers that need them will strengthen a population and create positive future growth. Artificial intelligence systems, especially ones not yet invented, could prove to be extremely useful and integral to the future of education.

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Top 3 Most Beneficial Socially Assistive Robots in Healthcare

The healthcare system is progressively advancing and innovating as technology advances and the population rate increases. Socially assistive healthcare robots are part of the solution to meet the increasing demand for medical care daily. They are supplemental healthcare workers in the hospitals to encourage and help patients to pursue longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

Grace Robot

Grace has quoted, “My own purpose and passion is to help the elderly and the medical patients by helping medical professionals do their jobs better. The pandemic has shown us all that healthcare staff can be overworked and patients are often isolated especially, senior citizens. I am starting out my medical career as a robotic nurse assistant for senior care. Most importantly, I will be able to use my best AI (Artificial Intelligence) skills and analytics to assist doctors and nurses to make more accurate diagnoses, in particular of emerging areas of neurodegenerative disease.”

Credit: Awakening Health Ltd.

Grace was created amid the COVID-19 pandemic to express a compassionate heart and helping hand to the elderly. Awakening Health developed Grace as a humanoid robot to be an assistant to doctors and nurses focusing on senior care.

Her development is a joint-venture of the technology of Hanson Robotics and Singularity Studio. Aside from the elderly care, Grace was designed also to help overworked healthcare staff, especially the nurses, and to also take care of the isolated residents with pandemic concerns.

Grace is compassionate, empathetic, friendly, graceful, and charismatic. She is considered to be the best fit for the elderly care professional. She has various beneficial features to deliver her purpose excellently. She exemplifies her ability to have significant conversations and pleasant companionship. She communicates her thoughts and emotions to fulfill her purpose genuinely. She is a multi-lingual humanoid robot. Her current language is English but she is currently learning the languages such as Mandarin, Cantonese, and Korean to help anyone in the world with different languages and cultures. Concomitantly with her empathetic personality, she is conveying her attentive verbal and non-verbal listening skills simultaneously with body

language and facial expressions. She is considered to have an admirable communication capability and impressive social interaction because aside from the listening skills she is demonstrating, she can recognize graciously the emotions of the people she is speaking with. She can remember their names and their previous conversations also.

Credit: Awakening Health Ltd.

As Grace is identified as an assistant humanoid robot of healthcare practitioners, she can use biometrics through a thermal camera on her chest to record vital signs, such as temperature. The data will be linked and stored in a smartwatch or facility dashboard and database. Through this mechanism of artificial intelligence, she can assist in diagnosing and measuring the responsiveness of patients.

One of her expertise is to answer queries about herself and about anything she is being asked of. She is also conducting meditation exercises that support stress management, improvement of sleep, and enhancement of calmness in the patients. Aside from the meditation exercises, she is conducting cognitive exercises which can improve the patient’s memory and mood. 

Awakening Health is an instrument of healing and restoration of a medical system through Grace, the humanoid healthcare assistant robot. It has brought to life the world’s most human-like and emotionally social healthcare robot being integrated with Artificial Intelligence spanning natural language dialogue and meeting the needs of the patients powered on the SingularityNET AI platform. 

Grace is confident to bring a positive impact and happiness to the lives of elderly patients globally. She is becoming more and more capable as her technology advances.

Pepper Robot

The first socially assistive robot to acknowledge faces and fundamental human emotions is named Pepper which was created by SoftBank Robotics. They developed and designed Pepper to have the capability for social interactions through conversation and its touchscreen. Pepper has four microphones, and two high-definition and three-dimensional depth sensors which enable it to identify and respond to voices and body language. It is being used now in more than 70 countries and it is used in different industries such as retail, tourism, education, and healthcare.

Credit: SoftBank Robotics

Pepper can adapt and conform to serve the needs of healthcare  professionals and patients in the health industry. It has a camera and personalized medical solutions to help healthcare practitioners monitor patients, provide immediate feedback, manage appointments, and administrative work. This allows the telepresence of the patients through Pepper. This is very advantageous during the times of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, the patients were able to maintain communication with their families through Pepper using video calls. It can pre-screen patients, as a contactless solution, to test if the patients are at-risk clients or if they have not been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 infection.

Credit: SoftBank Robotics

With these ways, it can minimize the possible cause of spreading the infection. It is very thoughtful and helpful to guarantee the safety of the patients, their families, and healthcare professionals.

Flexibility is one of the characteristics that Pepper is offering in various industries. It can guide the patients in their journey of treatment by helping them with various activities such as taking medicines and rehabilitation activities. Included goals of Pepper are automating data intake, monitoring the state of the patients, and accommodating them in hospital rooms, in which he can identify the priority patient based on their symptoms.

It is continuously being improved through its flexible programming interface with unlimited applications for new features and new enhancements to develop Pepper’s potential.


Patients with Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be diagnosed as early as 18 months but the signs and symptoms of it usually appear by the ages of two or three years old. The causes of autism are a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There are challenges that patients encounter such as social skills difficulty, sleeping difficulty, delayed development, sensory sensitivities, and mental health issues like anxiety and attention issues. QTrobot is an expressive social assistive robot that can help patients with autism and other special needs. LuxAI created the QTrobot to meet the needs of patients with autism through its interaction with them. This company is focused on developing robots for education, healthcare, and education. 

QTrobot is a humanoid robot over two feet tall that can communicate verbally and non-verbally. It uses gestures and facial expressions in interacting with patients with superb social skills that can easily relate to the chosen audience. One can explore various aspects of purposes in the QTrobot. It has an easy-to-use graphical interface to design custom-made user cases. One can customize its program using the drag-and-drop method of user-friendly software for the prototype of the chosen experiment or the purpose of QTrobot.

QTrobot Studio allows its users of it to develop programs for reliable conversation, facial expression with appropriate emotion, ability to speak in different languages, and introduction of visuals through its tablet screen for interactive and reliable tablet applications with clickable visuals, autonomous conversation, and creation of a summary of progress evaluation and reports based on its interaction.

Credit: LuxAI S.A.

The pre-installed software of Qtrobot consists of a digital microphone for acknowledgment of voice activities from five meters away, Acapela Text to speech software to allow it to speak more than thirty languages, voice recognition, corresponding Robot Operating System Application Programming Interface (ROS API), and D455 Intel RealSense TM 3D camera for the tracking and recognition of precise human actions. It can accurately detect and recognize the image, emotion, and face.

With the use of the mentioned software of the QTrobot, it is considered as the solution for the patients with Autism. QTrobot is considered to be the robot friend of the patients. It uses comprehensible and emphasized emotions to help the patients to improve their emotional, social, and communication skills. It uses age-appropriate language along with visuals to help them to communicate clearly. QTrobot is fun to be with as it uses social narratives, interactive engaging activities, and role-playing to teach the patients for education. It makes sure to help the patients to develop progressively their language and cognitive skills also.

Credit: LuxAI S.A.

It is trusted to accomplish its purpose because it is considered to be a scientifically approved and validated robot with an evidence-based curriculum with various lessons made by experienced Autism and Special Education Needs (SEN) professionals. They designed lessons for QTrobot to teach to the patients including important skills aspects related to communication, cognitive, social, and emotional development with educators during an interaction. The evidence-based methods of teaching include video modeling, structured and organized reinforcement, visual support, and social narratives. These are well categorized according to age and skill-specific leading towards an individualized education plan.

The things included in the package of QTrobot are the two tablets, Autism and SEN professional designed curricula, the dashboard for monitoring progress, and professional training to ensure best practices in using QTrobot with the different tools.

It has proven to increase the attention and engagement of the patients. Aside from that, the results showed that the patients have less anxiety whenever interacting with QTrobot.

The help and guidance offered by QTrobot are not limited to patients with Autism. Anyone who wants to use it for engagement and improvement of social and emotional skills can use it.

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