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Tiny magnetic sensor enables wireless health monitoring

Mar. 22, 2024.
1 min. read. 10 Interactions

Replaces infection-prone through-the-skin wires, integrated-circuit chips, and cumbersome readout equipment

About the Writer

Amara Angelica

234.18176 MPXR

Amara Angelica is an electrical engineer and inventor

A miniaturized system that pairs a chip-less, battery-less magnetic implant on a millimeter scale with a fully integrated wearable device mounted at the skin surface. The wearable device can produce a pulsed magnetic field to wirelessly excite the large amplitude vibration of the magnetic implant. (Credit: Peking University)

A new miniature sensor developed by Peking University researchers can wirelessly monitor a person’s health data and communicate it in real time without going through the skin.

As noted in the journal Science Advances, the new biocompatible sensor replaces invasive through-the-skin wires, integrated-circuit chips, and cumbersome readout equipment, all of which increase risks of infection and limit portability.

The millimeter-scale, chip-less, and battery-less magnetic implants are paired with a fully integrated wearable device.

According to Peking University lead researcher Han Mengdi, in experiments conducted on rat models, the system provided “continuous, wireless monitoring of a wide range of biophysical and biochemical conditions within living organisms. The conditions include critical health parameters such as cerebrospinal fluid viscosity, intracranial pressure, and glucose levels.”

The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; the Emerging Engineering Interdisciplinary Project, Peking University; the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; and Peking Nanofab Laboratory. 

Citation: Wan, J., Nie, Z., Xu, J., Zhang, Z., Yao, S., Xiang, Z., Lin, X., Lu, Y., Xu, C., Zhao, P., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Wang, J., Man, W., Zhang, M., & Han, M. (2024). Millimeter-scale magnetic implants paired with a fully integrated wearable device for wireless biophysical and biochemical sensing. Science Advances. (open-access)

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3 thoughts on “Tiny magnetic sensor enables wireless health monitoring

  1. Nice project

  2. good project

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  3. Sakib

    11 mons ago
    1.49477 MPXR
    1 interactions

    Good topic

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