The Singularity Obsessed AI Hacker in Antero Alli’s Last Film Blue Fire is Only The Beginning
Sep. 08, 2023.
9 mins. read.
11 Interactions
R.U. Sirius talks to filmmaker and artist Antero Alli about life, consciousness, and making his last-ever film.
I suppose the way to get Mindplexians interested in Antero Alli – author, theater producer, experiential workshop leader and film director – is through his ties to Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson starting back in the 1980s, where that pair were advocating transhumanist slogans like Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, Life Extension.
But the reality is that Alli has carved his own path as a writer, a thinker and director. And as he slowly exits corporeality, it’s his film oeuvre that most fascinates me.
I recently spent a day watching several of his films and it struck me that I was looking at part of an entire body of work that has been largely neglected by those writing about and advocating for indie films. Alli’s films may be about to be discovered. They certainly deserve substantial notice. There are hours of enjoyment and intrigue awaiting viewers.
And while enough of his films enclose neo-tech tropes like VR and AI to cause one or two commentators to toss out the buzzword “cyberpunk,” these are all ultimately human stories leaning on depth psychology, Jungian symbolism, dreams and real experience.
In the preview for his latest film (and most likely his last) ‘Blue Fire’, Alli highlights the Singularity.
The central protagonist is an underground singularity-obsessed AI hacker. Scenes show male computer-freak social awkwardness, unrequited male obsession with a woman and a bad Salvia Divinorum trip (been there). Ultimately ‘Blue Fire’ is not a film about AI or the personalities of underground hacker archetypes. It’s a film about human connections — connections made but mostly connections missed.
I interviewed Antero Alli by email.

No fuck alls, no kisses goodbye, no regrets. I remain eternally grateful to have lived an uncommonly fulfilling life by following and realizing my dreams. At 70, this has proven a great payoff during my personal end times (I was diagnosed with a terminal disease and don’t know my departure date).
BLUE FIRE Official site
Antero Alli Films online
9/21 Portland premiere
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3 thoughts on “The Singularity Obsessed AI Hacker in Antero Alli’s Last Film Blue Fire is Only The Beginning”
In this tech-dominated world, we've nearly forgotten our humanity. Antonio, we cherish you, and as you sail away, may you do so with courage and a wide smile.
🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩
I am so in love with this article. I wish Antero will be with us for another decade. Don't give up and you will deliver more movies.
🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩
I love the human touch in this article. Yet, I am confused by the drugs!?
This interview seems to focus on enlightenment or out-of-body experiences and states that humans are not just flesh but also have another self: the electric, the soul, or the spiritual side. (I will not put words into R.U.'s or Antero's mouths because neither of them specify what this other side is).
From this, it goes to the psychedelics. Drugs are then depicted as gateways to achieving enlightenment, epiphany, awakening, or nirvana: you call it by any terms. Isn't this a dilemma, and the embodiment of the typical arrogant Western hijacking mentality?
I am well aware of my generalization. "The West hijacking Eastern concepts (or African and Native American) and bastardizing them is a complex issue with a long history. Though there is no doubt that Western cultures have often appropriated Eastern spiritual traditions for their own purposes, often without fully understanding or respecting the original context, it is also true that these Eastern, African, and Native American traditions are not static, they have been evolving and adapting for centuries.
However, when we are talking about the other side, the one that is not biology, isn't it ridiculous to claim that drugs can enrich spirituality? Or Drugs can deepen our understanding of the other self?
What we know, again this is a controversial finding, is that some scientific research suggested that some psychedelic drugs can alter brain connectivity and can temporarily open the mind to new experiences and insights. Then, based on this loosely constructed idea, we are jumping to a huge conclusion that 'rearranged brain connectivity' is the key to discovering the other self and the reality beyond.
I am tired of quoting Kant because the meaning of 'enlightenment' is not the same for all of the past and present different cultures throughout this planet. However, we can agree with one thing "Immaturity is the inability to use one’s own understanding without the guidance of another.” 'The guidance of another' is the thing hijacked here; the drugs. It disturbs me to see how drugs are depicted as the magical pill (that infamous red pill).
I completely agree with Antero Alli's life lesson and that an independent and self-centered journey toward enlightenment is good enough to tap into this other reality. However, reason should also be included. We should promote reason as one of the basis of understanding both the physical and spiritual worlds.
🟨 😴 😡 ❌ 🤮 💩