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Starship flight test: a spectacular success!

Oct. 14, 2024.
2 mins. read. 12 Interactions

This important and critical space mission, and in particular the attempt to catch the booster, has been essentially a spectacular success.

About the writer

Giulio Prisco

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Giulio Prisco is Senior Editor at Mindplex. He is a science and technology writer mainly interested in fundamental science and space, cybernetics and AI, IT, VR, bio/nano, crypto technologies.

SpaceX has launched its Starship rocket for the fifth time from Texas. This important and critical space mission, video streamed in real time via X, has been essentially a spectacular success.

This flight test shows SpaceX’s progress in making space travel more sustainable and frequent by reusing its rockets, much like how airplanes are reused for multiple flights.

In fact, for the first time, SpaceX tried to catch the rocket’s first stage, called the Super Heavy booster, right after it helped push the Starship into space.

Here’s what happened:

The rocket took off successfully, with all engines working as planned.

Launch of Starship’s fifth flight test (Credit: SpaceX).

After separating from the main part of the rocket (the Starship), the Super Heavy booster returned to the launch site. SpaceX used big mechanical arms, called “chopsticks,” on the launch tower to catch the booster. This was a new method to save the booster for reuse without it touching down on land or water.

The Starship continued into space, aiming for a path that would end with it splashing down in the Indian Ocean. This part of the flight was to test how well it could re-enter Earth’s atmosphere and land.

The launch was successful, and the attempt to catch the booster was also successful. Catching the booster is a big deal because it could make launching rockets cheaper and faster since they can reuse more parts without them getting damaged.

Apart from minor issues, the full journey of the Starship part was also successful, with a controlled landing in the ocean, “precisely on target.”

Public enthusiasm

“The world witnessed what the future will look like when Starship starts carrying crew and cargo to destinations on Earth, the Moon, Mars and beyond,” notes SpaceX.

People watching were excited, seeing this as a milestone in space technology.

“Congratulations to SpaceX on its successful booster catch and fifth Starship flight test today!,” NASA administrator Bill Nelson posted to X after the booster catch. “As we prepare to go back to the Moon under Artemis, continued testing will prepare us for the bold missions that lie ahead – including to the South Pole region of the Moon and then on to Mars.”

Countless space enthusiasts and other public figures from all over the world have posted congratulations to SpaceX and Elon Musk for this spectacular achievement. But unfortunately, since Elon Musk is politically controversial, some U.S. public figures are missing.

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